Thank you for the responses.
I can confirm that changing the certificate by replacing the file(s) with the 
ones with the same name & password but with an updated certificate inside does 
indeed work.  The reason I thought otherwise because (I thought that) the 
useful Presentation by C Schultz said it re-read the config - allowing changes 
to the cipher list and TLS types to be altered at the same time.
I had tested by swapping between 2 pfx certificates that I thought were 
different - stupid rookie mistake, the certificates were indeed the same.  I 
created a new self-signed one and that worked straight away.

I presume that I can the 'set' commands in the manager webapp to alter the 
allowed TLS levels?

Final Question: If the "Bean Name" can be different depending on various 
configurations - how should I query to get the correct name if trying to create 
a 'generic' process to do this?

Merlin Beedell 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz <> 
Sent: 13 July 2020 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: Support for LetsEncrypt certs, and update process, in Tomcat 
without restart.

Hash: SHA256


On 7/13/20 06:09, Merlin Beedell wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thank you for your valuable assistance and suggestions so far.
> I did eventually try this (again, using ‘groovy’ as a simple-to-use 
> scriptable wrapper to Java), which looks like it
> works:
> @Grab(group='com.github.groovy-wslite', module='groovy-wslite',
> version='1.1.3')
> import*
> import wslite.http.auth.*
> RESTClient client = new
> RESTClient("http://localhost:8080/manager";) //or 
> https://localhost/manager
> client.authorization = new
> HTTPBasicAuthorization("tomcat-users-name",
> "and-corresponding-password")
> def path =
> def response
> response = client.get(path: path)
> println response.text
> And it returns (for example): “*OK - Operation reloadSslHostConfigs 
> without return value*”
> If the certificate file now no longer exists or is corrupted – we get 
> an error response. Thus we know this action provokes the certificate 
> file to be re-read.
> /However/
> If the connector section in server.xml is edited to point to a new 
> certificate path/filename, it is ignored.  The current certificate 
> config continues to be used.
> If the certificate file is replaced by a new certificate, the end-user 
> does not see any change – a fresh browser will still see the old 
> certificate.
> So: Is there some /other/ action that I need to invoke after the 
> reloadSslHostConfigs?  Or to invoke it under a different “mbean name”?
> When I change the bean name to include *address=* as per your 
> curl example
> (Catalina:type=ProtocolHandler,port=443,address= it errors.
> For example – under the Catalina:type=Connector,port=443 – I see 
> operations “destroy / pause / resume / stop / start / init”.
> And under the ProtocolHandler I see “findSslHostConfigs / start / 
> destroy / pause / resume / getProperty / closeServerSocketGraceful / 
> findupgradeProtocols / init”
> Would these help?
> The connector config (simple self-signed cert in this case – not yet 
> changed to a letsencrypt one) looks similar to this:
> <Connector SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" port="443"
> protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Nio2Protocol"
> <UpgradeProtocol
> className="org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol"></UpgradeProtocol>
<SSLHostConfig certificateVerification="false"
> ciphers="HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5:!kRSA"
> honorCipherOrder="true" protocols="TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2">
> <Certificate certificateKeyAlias="tomcat"
> certificateKeystoreFile="C:\opt\certificates\keystore"
> certificateKeystorePassword="passphrase"
> certificateKeystoreType="JKS"></Certificate>
> </SSLHostConfig>
> </Connector>
> And I am trying to reset it to a PKCS12 keystore:
> <Certificate
> certificateKeystoreFile="C:\opt\certificates\web_cert.pfx"
> certificateKeystorePassword="newpass"
> certificateKeystoreType="PKCS12"></Certificate>
> I’m at a loss to know what to do – other than to abandon SSL 
> termination in tomcat and use a proxy to do it instead – that I really 
> wish I could avoid.
> Some of my findings from trying to refresh the Tomcat SSL config at 
> runtime and trying to decipher the documentation and
> suggestions:
> 1. The remote JMX feature does not need to be configured (e.g.
> if you only need localhost 
> management.  But the webapp “manager” does then need to be installed – 
> as this acts as the entry point for JMX requests.
> It’s not entirely clear in the documentation about this, nor the 
> differences in the format or content of the returned information.
> 2. Not being too familiar with /curl/, I could not determine how to 
> pass the manager username / password. 3. Nor is it very obvious how 
> interpret the jmx query response in order to form effective gets and 
> sets (e.g. the ‘bean name’ to use in a get or set). Nor how to obtain 
> operations and parameters.  I see all that stuff if I enable remote 
> JMX and use the *JConsole*. But can the manager app responses provide 
> the same metadata to determine useful stuff?  I also see these 
> messages in a popup window when using JConsole to access the 
> operations list: Error setting Operation panel 
> Error setting Operation panel
> Error setting Operation panel :org.apache.coyote.Request
> 4. I have used the Tomcat “ant” wrapper for manager. I call the ant 
> tasks using ‘groovy’ (just to simplify the preparation of the 
> /manager/ web requests and responses). I can use the Query/Get/Set 
> calls, but I don’t seem to be able to construct an Invoke operation 
> call.  After a lot of trial and error, I gave up using this! 5. Re: 
> Tomcat Wiki / Documentation and other cert providers… It seems that 
> letsencrypt is currently the only provider with an automated update 
> service.  Would be great if they all could – then this really could be 
> fully automated (i.e. a tomcat module to provide a 
> fetch-cert-from-provider facility that works for all).
> But until then, a simple, reliable, well documented ‘refresh SSL cert’ 
> feature in Tomcat would really help.

Other than Mark's response, there is another simple way to solve this:
use a symlink to your keystore. Change where the symlink points if the keystore 
filename needs to change, then trigger a reload and your new keystore will be 

- -chris
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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