--- Comment #2 from Sergey Ponomarev <> ---
3) What exactly is "incorrect" about the current format?

Weak ETag means that server tells to client that the resource can't be octal
compatible. The client MAY decide not to send Range requests to download part
of the resource. For file resources like a video file this may lead to always
re-downloading when user makes seek in player.

4) it assumes that a file system based resource will not change more than once
per second.

It assumes that during a second file will not be:
* changed but mod time is remain the at same second
* changed but it's size is the same
* downloaded by a client and it requested the same resource again.

Possibility of such event is extremely small and probably client even if
performs so many consequent requests then it should mean:
* client is fine to receive a stale data (it will re-request the resource
anyway in next second)
* client have a bug

Client can just not send the If-None-Match header.

While the Weak ETag is kind of semantical bug the main purpose of the PR is to
make Tomcat, Nginx and other servers be able to accept ETags from each other.

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