
On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 11:12 PM Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been looking at the options to integrate the Java EE to Jakarta EE
> migration functionality into Tomcat 10.
> There are essentially two ways to do this: deployment time and runtime.
> The simplest solution to implement is probably a separate webapps-legacy
> directory (or some other name) where WARs and DIRs added to that
> directory get converted to Jakarta EE with the new version being placed
> in the webapps directory. There are complexities (such as handling an
> updates of the legacy WAR) but they should be manageable.
> A more complex version of the deploy time solution has the legacy web
> application placed in webapps, identified as a legacy webapp and then
> replaced with the new version (several ways to do this). The hard part
> here is the identification of the webapp as a Java EE app. The only
> reliable way to do this is class scanning and that is slow.
> The runtime approach converts classes and static resources as they are
> loaded. The classes are relatively easy to handle. A
> ClassFileTransformer can be added to the WebappClassLoader to do this.
> The static files are more of a problem. The good news is that the
> WebResources refactoring means static file access all goes through the
> same code but the filtering required essentially means we'd need to load
> static files into memory - regardless of size, convert them, and then
> update the cache with the converted version. That is likely to have a
> performance impact.
> Because of the performance impacts of handling static resources, the
> runtime approach also needs a way to identify applications that need
> conversion. I don't see a reliable, performant way to do that. Which, I
> think, leaves us with the simple deployment time approach and something
> (filename, special directory, something else) to mark an app as needing
> conversion.
> A final point, which probably should have been first, is is there a
> demand for this feature? Early indications from the users list and $work
> is that there is (going to be) a demand for this feature.
> Thoughts?

We should also think about Tomcat Embedded! Many of the modern web
frameworks use embedded Tomcat/Jetty/Undertow.
I guess it should be even easier for them to set a property saying "I need
this app to be migrated" or to put it in the special folder
We just need to make sure tomcat-embed is taken into account for the
eventual solution!


> Mark
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