On 18/10/2023 16:43, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 18/10/2023 15:06, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
ср, 18 окт. 2023 г. в 14:55, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>:

On 17/10/2023 16:36, Mark Thomas wrote:

It looks like Javadoc generation is different between Linux and Windows
with Java 21. That is still causing issues for the full-docs package for
Tomcat 11. I'm still looking into options for fixing that. Other than
that, I'm not seeing any reproducibility issues for those files.

I've got as far as figuring out what is causing the problem.

This commit


causes the files from $JAVA_HOME/legal/jdk.javadoc to be added to the
legal directory in the created javadoc. In Linux, some of those files
are symlinks so the entire file gets copied whereas in Windows some of
those files are text files that reference the symlink target.

I am currently leaning towards writing an Ant task that will replace
those "link" files on Windows with the target of the link. It will need
to run after the Javadoc.

Maybe this will be fixed in JDK itself?

It looks like it should be.

Essentially their fix for "8259530" (the commit that you referenced)
is incomplete on Windows,
and that is a legal issue.


BTW, Reviewing that commit, I see that there exists a command-line
option, "--legal-notices" that can be set to "none".

BTW, the files can be seen in apache-tomcat-11.0.0-M13-fulldocs.tar.gz
e.g. \tomcat-11.0-doc\api\legal\LICENSE is the following one nonsense line:

     Please see ..\java.base\LICENSE

So, do we try and fix this to get back to completely reproducible builds or do we accept that the full-docs package isn't reproducible until this bug gets fixed?

Given this is just the full-docs, I'm leaning towards raising an OpenJDK bug and accepting that the full-docs package won;t be 100% reproducible at the moment.


I'm not currently planning to fix this for Tomcat. I think it will only effect Tomcat 11 at the moment although it looks like the partial fix is going to be back-ported to Java 11 so we'll see likely see this issue for all versions eventually.


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