On Jun 4, 2007, at 8:43 AM, Joerg Heinicke wrote:


I have a portal application and introduced recently emptySessionPath="true" to have access to the same objects in the session in my servlets and my portlets,
both sitting in the same webapp.

First observation I made is the repeated use of the same session id despite invalidating the corresponding session. I found out that this is by intention [1], but it leaves a strange gut feeling. Why is a session id an arbitrary string, which is under normal circumstances really hard to guess - if I do not need to predict it at all since I know it when having access to the PC (without any XSS issue)? I only have to wait until the user logs in the next time to
hijack his session, don't I?

But ignoring that one for the moment and blaming the portlet spec [2] I found another issue ... From what I observed not all sessions assigned to this session id are invalidated. This seems to be true for different portals, I found at least uPortal [3], JetSpeed [4] and Liferay [5] (using it myself). Of course it's possible that the portals are to blame but I wonder if they manage the sessions themselves or if they don't only forward it to the application container. At least in Liferay the HttpSession for the portal is invalidated, but I can access objects in the session of my webapp (portlets + servlets). Here
the reused session id gets also very critical.

So I agree with Aaron Evans who reported this issue for JetSpeed [6]:

"I don't think this is a jetspeed problem but rather a tomcat/ tomcat SSO
issue, but I was just wondering if others have seen this behaviour."

And like his idea how it should work [7].

So actually there are two issues, (1) always using the same session id, (2) not invalidating all sessions associated with one session id. I wonder if there has changed anything for the former since that thread [1] since I'm using the most recent 5.5 release 23. Or if it is solvable at all. But the latter seems to be a
real issue for me. Can you please comment on it?

IMO the area of cross-context session management is basically not specified in the servlet and portlet specs. It certainly relies on a lot of extrapolation to make a usable product. My conclusions are that to make a usable portal possible, while deploying portlet applications as web apps, the servlet container has to create a cross context session id, and manage individual sessions for each web app context that uses this sessionId, and when one session is invalidated in this collection, invalidate all sessions for that sessionId. AFAICT this is consistent with the servlet spec, although it is certainly not specified behavior according to the servlet spec.

In a little more detail:

- sessions are indexed by sessionId and context-root (or other web app identifier) - invalidating one session (for a sessionId + context-root) invalidates all other sessions with that sessionId

After a lot of discussion with the jetty devs I got them to implement this, but I've never been able to understand the discussions about the subject on the tomcat lists so I'm really not sure what the expected behavior of tomcat is.

david jencks


[1] http://marc.info/?t=110779284700005&r=1&w=4
[2] http://marc.info/?l=tomcat-dev&m=112092302521008&w=4
[3] http://www.ja-sig.org/issues/browse/UP-1590
[4] http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JS2-582
[5] http://support.liferay.com/browse/LEP-1852
[6] http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ msg03195.html [7] http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ msg03203.html

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