Mladen Turk wrote:
Henri Gomez wrote:
Well what's the consensus on Java projects, like Xerces, Xalan or Lucene ?

It doesn't mater how other project do things. It's irrelevant.
We had CTR policy till now and it was working.
Now we have a new situation with different developers POVs,
and cause of that, this requires a different set of rules.

Do we need it? Yes, if we wish to survive as a project.
It's pain in the ass, I know, but IMHO it's also the only
way to get some sense in this chaos.

Most of the comments were that it was too annoying to do for casual bugfixing, and it's true it's not justified for all patches. Maybe a finer rule could be devised, something like using a RtisTC (tis = the important stuff) model.

To give an idea, "tis" could mean:
- API changing patches (any protected or above signature change)
- code changes in the critical path (for example, code which gets executed on each HTTP request) - any other commit for which a committer asks for the RTC procedure should be rollbacked if it hinders concurrent work, and go through the RTC procedure

Jean-Frédéric didn't like it much though, and it's true that people need to play fair for it to work.


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