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== Preface ==
Please see the [ Other Resources Link] 
for other pages describing how they were able to link Tomcat with a connector. 
With luck, someone documented their experience in an environment which is 
similar to yours.

Here is a link to the [ JK Connectors]. 
It contains more configuration and installation information.

'''Please note, jk2 is no longer supported. Please use mod_jk instead.'''
== Questions ==
'''What is JK (or AJP)?'''

AJP is a wire protocol. It an optimized version of the HTTP protocol to allow a 
standalone web server such as Apache talk to Tomcat. Historically, Apache has 
always been much faster than Tomcat at serving static content. The idea is to 
let Apache serve the static content when possible, then proxy the request back 
to Tomcat for Tomcat related content. 

'''Which connector: mod_jserv, JK, JK2, mod_webapp or mod_proxy?'''

 * Stay away from mod_webapp, aka warp. It is deprecated and unsupported due to 
lack of developer interest and there are better options such as jk and jk2. It 
WILL NOT run on windows.
 * mod_jserv is unsupported and will not be supported in Tomcat 5. mod_jserv 
was the original connector which supported the ajp protocol.
 * jk2 is a refactoring of mod_jk and uses the Apache Portable Runtime (apr). 
But due to lack of developer interest, it is unsupported. The alternative is 
mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp.
 * '''mod_jk is great and should be used for production'''. It is still under 
active development and also works for the apache 2.X series for cases where you 
do not want to use mod_proxy_ajp.
 * mod_proxy. A cheap way to proxy without the hassles of configuring JK. This 
solution lacks sticky session load balancing. If you don't need some of the 
features of jk - this is a very simple alternative.
 * mod_proxy_ajp. With apache 2.2, mod_proxy was rewritten to support load 
balancing as well as a new transport called mod_proxy_ajp. This module is 
distributed with the Apache http server, not the Tomcat server.

'''Why should I integrate Apache with Tomcat? (or not)'''

There are many reasons to integrate Tomcat with Apache. And there are reasons 
why it should not be done too. Needless to say, everyone will disagree with the 
opinions here. With the performance of Tomcat 5 and 6, performance reasons 
become harder to justify. So here are the issues to discuss in integrating vs 

 * Clustering. By using Apache as a front end you can let Apache act as a front 
door to your content to multiple Tomcat instances. If one of your Tomcats 
fails, Apache ignores it and your Sysadmin can sleep through the night. This 
point could be ignored if you use a hardware loadbalancer and Tomcat's 
clustering capabilities.
 * Clustering/Security. You can also use Apache as a front door to different 
Tomcats for different URL namespaces (/app1/, /app2/, /app3/, or virtual 
hosts). The Tomcats can then be each in a protected area and from a security 
point of view, you only need to worry about the Apache server. Essentially, 
Apache becomes a smart proxy server.
 * Security. This topic can sway one either way. Java has the security manager 
while Apache has a larger mindshare and more tricks with respect to security. I 
won't go into this in more detail, but let Google be your friend. Depending on 
your scenario, one might be better than the other. But also keep in mind, if 
you run Apache with Tomcat - you have two systems to defend, not one.
 * Add-ons. Adding on CGI, perl, PHP is very natural to Apache. Its slower and 
more of a kludge for Tomcat. Apache also has hundreds of modules that can be 
plugged in at will. Tomcat can have this ability, but the code hasn't been 
written yet.
 * Decorators! With Apache in front of Tomcat, you can perform any number of 
decorators that Tomcat doesn't support or doesn't have the immediate code 
support. For example, mod_headers, mod_rewrite, and mod_alias could be written 
for Tomcat, but why reinvent the wheel when Apache has done it so well?
 * Speed. Apache is faster at serving static content than Tomcat. But unless 
you have a high traffic site, this point is useless. But in some scenarios, 
tomcat can be faster than apache. So benchmark YOUR site.
 * Socket handling/system stability. Apache has better socket handling with 
respect to error conditions than Tomcat. The main reason is Tomcat must perform 
all its socket handling via the JVM which needs to be cross platform. The 
problem is socket optimization is a platform specific ordeal. Most of the time 
the java code is fine, but when you are also bombarded with dropped 
connections, invalid packets, invalid requests from invalid IP's, Apache does a 
better job at dropping these error conditions than JVM based program. (YMMV)

'''At boot, is order of start up (Apache vs Tomcat) important?'''

No. This way - either apache or tomcat can be restarted at any time independent 
of one another.

Is there any way to control the content of automatically generated 
mod_jk.conf-auto? I need my own specific commands added to it.
There really is no need to. Just copy the automatically generated 
mod_jk.conf-auto and edit it manually to your preference. None of production 
tomcat installations really use mod_jk.conf-auto as it is. 

'''How do I bind to a specific ip address?'''

Each Connector element allows an address property. For example:

{{{<Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
           port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
           enableLookups="true" redirectPort="8443"
           acceptCount="100" debug="0" connectionTimeout="20000"
           useURIValidationHack="false" disableUploadTimeout="true" />}}}

For a more complete description of the Connector config, see the 
[ HTTP Connector docs] 
or the see the [ AJP 
Connector docs].

'''Where can I download a binary distribution of my connector?'''

You can't: you need to download the source and compile it for your platform. 
The source distributions are available from the 
[ standard location]. Note that has RPM distributions for the connectors as well as tomcat itself: 

'''I'm having strange UTF-8 issues with my request parameters.'''

Since tomcat 5 - does your connector have Connector declaration have 
URIEncoding="UTF-8". For example:

{{{<Connector port="80"
           maxThreads="50" minSpareThreads="5" maxSpareThreads="15"
           URIEncoding="UTF-8"/>  }}}

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