Mladen Turk wrote:
jean-frederic clere wrote:
Mladen Turk wrote:
jean-frederic clere wrote:
Mark Thomas wrote:
jean-frederic clere wrote:
I think that is all working around the fact that tcnative is not mandatory module for Tomcat and it is somehow independent from tomcat.

tcnative builds contain cryptosoftware (openssl) and that means they may not be available for download in the ASF site. But that doesn't prevent us from releasing tcnative sources.

tcnative is not very visible and I am +1 for changing this. (updating site and tc build).

This is my preferred option. There would also need to be a release vote for all the src distros on a.o/dist.

And we should remove any of the files that doesn't get voted.

If there is some show stopper issue with releasing native separately that I haven't seen, then I am happy as the svn solution as an alternative.

I am now working on arranging trunk to use a separated tcnative. Part of the logic is already in the actual code.

I can only tell you that I'll vote -1 on any attempt
to make the tomcat native connector as separate product.

We should better remove it altogether from the Tomcat distribution
until we either find a way to build it together with Tomcat
or just forget about it.

The actual situation is bad:
- a source tarball contains the tcnative sources corresponding to the tomcat tag. - a binary tarball contains the tcnative sources (in a tarball) corresponding to the /dist/tomcat/tomcat-connectors/native/tomcat-native-x.y.z-src.tar.gz (1.0.10 actualy)

We have to fix that.

Right, I agree.

The easiest solution would be to just create configure and put
it inside the SVN,

configure is a generated file and depend on the apr version...
then probably we have to add apr sources...



 and we won't need the tcnative tarball any more.
Anyone wishing to build the native would then just download the
tomcat source tarball.


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