Hi Rainer,


Is it fix with followig patch?
Index: tomcat60/dist.xml
--- /tomcat60/dist.xml  (Revision 613549)
+++ tomcat/tomcat60/dist.xml    (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -561,6 +561,22 @@
   <target name="package-tgz">
<fixcrlf srcdir="${tomcat.dist}" includes="*.txt,LICENSE,NOTICE" eol="lf"/>
     <fixcrlf srcdir="${tomcat.dist}/conf" eol="lf"/>
+    <fixcrlf srcdir="${tomcat.dist}/webapps" eol="lf">
+        <include name="**/*.html" />
+        <include name="**/*.java" />
+        <include name="**/*.jsp" />
+        <include name="**/*.txt" />
+        <include name="**/*.properties" />
+        <include name="**/*.tag" />
+        <include name="**/*.tld" />
+        <include name="**/*.jspf" />
+        <include name="**/*.jspx" />
+        <include name="**/*.svg" />
+        <include name="**/*.xsd" />
+        <include name="**/*.xml" />
+        <include name="**/*.xsl" />
+        <include name="**/*.mdl" />
+    </fixcrlf>
     <tar longfile="gnu" compression="gzip"
tarfile="${tomcat.release}/v${version}/bin/$ {final.name}.tar.gz"> <tarfileset dir="${tomcat.dist}" mode="755" prefix="$ {final.name}">


Am 25.01.2008 um 01:47 schrieb Rainer Jung:


I stumbled today over DOS line endings in the web.xml file of the manager contained in TC 6.0.14 tar.gz download.

A little check reveals, that the following files have DOS line endings, although the tar.gz is supposed to use Unix convention were appropriate:

- bin/catalina-tasks.xml

and in webapps all files with suffixes:

Count Suffix
 286 html
  46 java
  48 jsp
  12 txt
  11 xml
   5 properties
   4 tag
   3 tld
   2 jspf
   2 jspx
   2 svg
   1 xsd
   1 xsl
   1 mdl

All of those suffixes under webapps always have DOS lineendings (one file even has mixed ending: webapps/manager/sessionDetail.jsp misses the ^M in the last line).

I don't know if dist.xml is actually used for packaging. It uses fixcrlf for a couple of files (mainly *.sh, *.txt, conf/*, some [A- Z]*) but it would be nice, if we would also transform the above mentioned.



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