--- Comment #45 from Suzuki Yuichiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  2008-04-10 21:26:03 
PST ---

The behavior of the test case with default values is as follows. 

1. It posts 8192 multibytes characters.
2. The posted data is read up to 4096 characters.
   (And other information like the multipart-boundary characters
    and the Content-Disposition is read, too)
3. It checks whether the read data is correct or not.
4. They are repeated by retrying.

If "correct:false" is output by retrying,
perhaps there were garbage bytes of the multibyte character
in the buffer of the ReadConvertor object, after the previous request.

When the end of the read byte sequence is not complete
as the multibyte character, InputStreamReader seems to keep imperfect byte
sequence internally until the under-lying stream returns -1. 

And the imperfect byte sequence will be used as the start bytes
of the next request.

Please see the recycle method part of the attached patch.


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