On Apr 22, 2008, at 6:25 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:

Is that enough so that web applications, either as a whole or in partial, can be upgraded without stopping them? It's my understanding that if web applications are loaded in an OSGi classloader, these kind of things are

I've heard various claims of this nature from osgi zealots, but when talking to apparent experts the only things resembling this they seemed to know about were grad student experiments that did not have production use as even a far-in-the-future goal. Do you know of any actual examples of this kind of behavior that actually work under load?

david jencks


On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 7:24 PM, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Henri Gomez wrote:

Hi to all,

Did there is plans, ideas or interest around about OSGI-fing Tomcat ?

I've put a note about this a while ago in tomcat/trunk/PROPOSALS.txt
my original plan was just to make sure all the MANIFEST.MF for each file
would have enough in it so that each JAR can be a OSGi bundle.

after that, one can add on as much or as little as one wishes



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