I love this plan - a great way to turn all other languages into Java(tm) ! :)

- Jim
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Clifton Brooks
If, instead of interpreting JRuby, PHP, and Jython, Tomcat, or some
extensions for it, could compile programs in these languages into java
servlets, then all of the advantages of the Java world will instantly become
accessible to these popular languages.  This suggestion is analogous to the
.NET model which compiles any language into Windows only byte code.  Here,
any language compiles to platform independent, Java bytecode.


You just have to wait till Java 7 :-)


P.S. On a personal note, you simply can't build a stable reliable
enterprise software with duck typed language like javascript or ruby.
And running scripts in tomcat doesn't make your scripts better.

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Jim Manico, Senior Application Security Engineer
(301) 604-4882 (work)
(808) 652-3805 (cell)

Aspect Security™
Securing your applications at the source

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