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The following page has been changed by plinius:

   1. [#Q6 Where does System.out go? How do I rotate catalina.out?]
   1. [#Q7 Where are the logs when running Tomcat as a Windows service?]
   1. [#Q8 How do I customize the location of the tomcat 
+  1. [#Q9 Since java.logging is the default commons-logging implementation in 
Tomcat, why is it not working in my Linux distribution?]
  == Answers ==
@@ -57, +58 @@

  [[Anchor(Q4)]]'''How do I configure commons-logging for use with Tomcat?'''
+ You need to specify a commons-logging configuration file and, if you wish, a 
logging implementation that supports commons-logging. JDK 1.4 (and later) 
java.util.Logging and Log4j are the two most commonly used logging toolkits for 
+ Tomcat 5.5 and Tomcat 6.0 use java.logging as default implementation for 
commons-logging. So this ''should'' work by default, but sometimes it doesn't 
(see [#Q9]).
- You need to specify a commons-logging configuration file and, if you wish, a 
logging implementation that supports commons-logging. JDK 1.4 (and later) 
java.util.Logging and Log4j are the two most commonly used logging toolkits for 
Tomcat. If you supply an external logging toolkit such as Log4J, it needs to be 
located in the $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib directory (for Tomcat 5.0 and 
earlier). Tomcat 5.5 and later uses commons-logging  while bootstrapping so 
some people suggest adding Log4j to the bootstrap classpath by using the 
scripts in $CATALINA_HOME/bin (see 
[ Need for it to be in bootstrap 
classpath?]). A better approch apparently working is:
+ If you supply an external logging toolkit such as Log4J, it needs to be 
located in the $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib directory (for Tomcat 5.0 and 
earlier). Tomcat 5.5 and later uses commons-logging  while bootstrapping so 
some people suggest adding Log4j to the bootstrap classpath by using the 
scripts in $CATALINA_HOME/bin (see 
[ Need for it to be in bootstrap 
classpath?]). A better approch apparently working is:
    1. Put jog4j.jar in the $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib directory
    2. Put the ''full'' commons-logging.jar in the $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib 
directory, even if you see the ''reduced'' API version there, named 
@@ -111, +114 @@

  startup script.
  On Fedora the startup script in typically located in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ and on
- Gentoo linux it is located in /etc/init.d/.
+ Gentoo linux it is located in /etc/init.d/. On RedHat the startup script for 
Tomcat 5.5 is /etc/init.d/tomcat5 but eventually the real startup script is 
+ [[Anchor(Q9)]]'''Since java.logging is the default commons-logging 
implementation in Tomcat, why is it not working in my Linux distribution?'''
+ Yes, if you read Tomcat logging documentation, it says java.util.logging 
should work by default. But many Linux distribution repackage Tomcat and 
sometimes it does NOT work by default.
+ Here are some things you can check:
+  1. tomcat-juli.jar should be in your $CATALINA_HOME/bin directory
+  1. tomcat startup script should run java with 
+  1. tomcat startup script should run java with 
+  1. obviously, the file must exist in the directory 
specified in the tomcat script at point #3
+ If you don't know where to look for your Tomcat startup script, see the 
previous [#Q8 How do I customize the location of the tomcat 
+ In RHEL5 (RedHat Enterprise Server 5) the Tomcat 5.5 rpm installation does 
not include the tomcat-juli.jar file. This is what I made:
+  * look for what Tomcat version you got installed with: yum list installed 
+ Since I had the 5.5.23, I downloaded the Tomcat Binaries 5.5.23 from, then:
+  * tar xf apache-tomcat-5.5.23.tar.gz
+  * cd apache-tomcat-5.5.23/bin
+  * cp tomcat-juli.jar /usr/share/tomcat5/bin/
+ Restart Tomcat... and it's working!

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