Hi guys

Sorry for the cross-post two 3 lists, but this whole jSLP issue depends
on work from all three areas...

As mentioned in the ApacheDS devlist, jSLP will be ready for release
really soon. However, jSLP relies on:

MINA multicasting

I implemented AprDatagram classes in order to be able to multicast using
MINA. These classes are currently being revised. I used the classes
myself and they seem to work, both when used by the standalone jSLP
directory agent as well as when used as OSGi bundles (equinox). These
classes however require:

tomcat native

There were a bunch of typo bugs in the release version of tomcat native
(have been fixed by now) when I started working on jSLP/MINA, so I was
forced to use my own fixed version of libtcnative and tomcat native (aka
tomcat-apr aka tomcat-jni) here. I inserted a fixed version into my
local maven repo to be able to build MINA and jSLP. I also needed tomcat
jni to run as a bundle, so I whipped up a quick pom.xml to build me a
tomcat-jni OSGi bundle including the (fixed) libtcnative libraries for
windows (doesn't work, multicast fails without any errors), linux 32 bit
and linux 64 bit (both worked, used them myself).

So my questions are the following:
- Is there a timeframe on the official release of the tomcat native code
to the maven central repo?
- Will there be an OSGi bundle version including the native code?
- Is there a timeframe on the official relase of the AprDatagram code,
even if in some kind of beta version?
- If the answer to any of the above is "yes", can I also get some info
on version etc. in order to adjust my POM.xml files for jSLP 2.0?


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