Hi dev's,
I am a newbie and recently started looking on to tomcat code. I am trying to
change the maxThreads attribute through Jconsole which seems to be exposed
by BaseModelMBean  as well as ConnectorMBean.
Changing the value in one reflects the changes in other as well and vice
versa. My questions are

Q1. Why do we have two different classes exposing same attribute, in our
case maxThreads?

Q2. ConnectorMBean seems to be a child class of ClassNameMbean which inturn
is a child of BaseModelMBean. There is a setAttribute method defined in
BaseModelMBean as well as ConnectorMBean.
Why is that??

Q3. I also saw  org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint being called in both
the cases. How are we using this class for setting up the variable??

Please clarify I have already spent lot of time understanding this but
somehow I am not able to reach to a final conclusion.


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