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  Apache Tomcat 7.0 is a Servlet container for the Servlet 3.0 specification. 
One of the more exiciting features in this new specification is the standard 
support for asynchronous servlet processing. In this session we will take a 
look at the asynchronous servlet API, the reasoning behind, its benefits and 
short falls. We will also take a look at the extensions and different methods 
Apache Tomcat 7 provides to meet some of these short falls.
  Here are the not-selected (by the planners) sessions that could go in the 
tomcat track:
   mod_proxy versus mod_jk. Clustering with HTTP Server as front-end.   
[acus2009 440]
  by Jean-Frederic Clere
@@ -65, +67 @@

  Presentation — 60 minutes
  Browsers and web servers are standards and the need for instantaneous data 
exchange has grown. AJAX for example allows web clients to communicate 
"asynchronously" withremote web servers. Comet is a Tomcat 6 feature that goes 
beyond AJAX and allow real asynchronous unidirectional and bi-directional 
connections between client and server using the HTTPprotocol and Servlets. 
Servlet 3.0 SPEC's are also providing asynchronous calls see what is possible 
do with them. Tomcat-Native is a Tomcat sub-project that provides a 
non-blocking and very efficient SSL connections. Tomcat-Native relies on the 
APR (Apache Portable Runtime) for Socket input/output and use OpenSSL to make 
the cryptographic layers. Comparison of the performance of Tomcat, Tomcat + APR 
and httpd.
+  Solutions & Troubleshooting methodologies - For most commonly occurring 
issues of Apache & Tomcat   [acus2009 511]
+ by Ravi Saraswathi
+ Presentation — 60 minutes
+ Description
+ The session describes trouble shooting methods and solutions of several 
commonly occurring issues of web applications deployed on Apache and Tomcat. 
The session focuses on common causes and step-by-step instructions to resolve 
the problems. Some of the issues that are included in the presentation are: 
Application Server Hang & Core Dump, Java Virtual Machine and Memory issues 
(JVM Crash with no Core Dump, Out of Memory/Memory Leak), Too Many Open Files, 
JDBC-Database connectivity and Drivers issues, Load Balancing Issues(Apache & 
Tomcat connectivity with multiple hosts), SSL Trouble Shooting, High/Low CPU 
utilization, Slow application response, Server Core Dump, Irrecoverable Stack 
overflow and HTTP Session and Replication Failure. The troubleshooting 
methodology and solutions described in presentation will help system 
administrators and programmers to reduce the time spent on diagnosing problems 
to get to the root cause and to correct the issue. The presentation focuses on
  support patterns to resolve the most common problems, system behaviors, and 
issues. Instructions on how to resolve the issues will also be included in the 
presentation. The last part of the session focuses on best ways to monitor Java 
applications by using Open Source tools to get pre-notifications for some of 
the above issues.
+ Presenter Bio
+ Ravi is an Architect and with more than 15 years of global, professional 
experience. Prior to his current assignment at AOL-Time Warner, Ravi was a 
senior business consultant with BEA Systems. Ravi worked at BEA Systems on 
WebLogic and AquaLogic product line Ravi also worked with several Java 
webserver and application containers. His interests include Open source 
containers, Java, infrastructure architecture, trouble shooting methodologies 
and software design. Ravi has spoken number of WebLogic conferences and Java 
user group meetings
+ **************************************************************************
+ Advanced Reverse Proxy Load Balancing in Apache HTTP Server 2.2 [acus2009 418]
+ by Jim Jagielski Panel,Developer,Experienced,NONE,Apache HTTP Server
+ Presentation — 60 minutes
+ Description
+ One of the main new features in Apache 2.2 is the enhancement of the proxy 
module, allowing Apache to proxy not only HTTP as before, but also AJP. Coupled 
with the dynamic load balancing capability also new in 2.2, see why Apache is 
now an even more capable reverse proxy, and see why mod_jk may no longer be 
required. Included are helpful real-world hints in configuration for 
high-availability failover environments.
+ Presenter Bio
+ Jim's been active on the 'Net since the early 80's, starting as editor of the 
A/UX FAQ. He worked on the NCSA server and joined the Apache Group (as it was 
called back then) at a very early stage. He actively contributes on HTTPD, APR 
and Tomcat, but also hacks on other projects (ASF and others) as well in 
addition to mentoring many ASF incubator podlings. In addition to being a 
charter and core member of the ASF Jim serves as Director and Chairman for the 
foundation. His real job is as Chief Architect and Principal Software Engineer 
for the Covalent Products Division of SpringSource. Previously, Jim served at 
CTO for Covalent Technologies, which was acquired by SpringSource in early 2008.
+ **************************************************************************
+  Improving mod_proxy : Example of an "home made" balancer: Mod_cluster   
[acus2009 439]
+ by Jean-Frederic Clere
+ Presentation — 60 minutes
+ Description
+ * Summary: When using Mod_proxy + Mod_proxy_balancer Apache httpd only 2 
balancer modes and reduced management support is possible. Anyway it is 
possible to write custom balancers to support different type of clusters. A 
Complete example of a balancer to front-end a dynamic cluster of Tomcat's will 
presented.Mod_proxy allows to * Abstract: The goal of the presentation is to 
demonstrate how easy it is to improve mod_proxy interaction with a cluster of 
Tomcats. There are different session replications mode in clusters. Full 
replication, Buddy replication, passive nodes for High Availability. Load 
balancing and failure recovery should be based on a dynamic view of the cluster 
not on a static description in a configuration file. Recent improvements in 
Mod_proxy allows the standard Mod_proxy to front-end a cluster of servers but 
actual ASF mod_proxy_balancer offers only 3 balancer modes (byrequest, 
bytraffic and bybusyness) and reduced managing support (via mod_status). What 
 needed to have a completely dynamic cluster: On Tomcat side a Listener to 
collect and transmit node informations to the balancer module and on Httpd side 
a balancer module able to use those informations to route incoming requests 
according to different loadbalancing and failure recovery policies. How it is 
done: A quick overview of the Tomcat listener of the example and an overview of 
the balancer module. Explanation the features of mod_proxy that are available 
to write a balancer. The mod_cluster solution: Protocol, Logic and Tomcat 
integration. * Expertise level: technical, intermediate * Format and duration: 
general presentation

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