first, sorry for bringing this thread to dev, that should have never happened. I fat fingered the keyboard.

Eric B. wrote:
"Mark Thomas" <> wrote in message
Narendra Sarkar wrote:
We have a multi threaded environment. We have noticed that thread blocks for 10 to 20 minutes due DBCP getConnection method call. Then, we investigated
the source code of DBCP(commons-dbcp-1.2.1-PII.jar) and noticed that
createConnection method is synchronized. This problem occur more frequently
when we have lower value of MaxIdleConnection parameter. After increasing
the value of MaxIdleConnection parameter, frequency of blocking get reduced.
We then replaced DBCP connection pooling with Oracle Connection pooling
(ojdbc14.jar) and never encountered blocking issue.

I think the issue is with that createConnection method of DBCP
synchronization. We have taken Thread dump to do above analysis.
Yep, known issues with commons-pool. Should be fixed in 1.5.1. Trunk has
been updated. Proposed for 6.0.x and 5.5.x. Alternatively, there is the
new JDBC pool module.

I'm a little confused now. Filip pointed me to the jdbp-1.0.5 package. Is that just repackaged versions of dbcp 1.2.2/pool 1.5? If not, what versions of dbcp/pool are contained within there?
its a different package all together. Similar features, different implementation.
If the fix in commons-pool is in 1.5.1, am I still expecting concurrency problems if upgrading 1.5? What would be the best move?
if the issue is fixed in 1.5.1, you should upgrade to 1.5.1 if that's what you want.



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