2009/7/25 Rainer Jung <rainer.j...@kippdata.de>:
> On 25.07.2009 01:44, sebb wrote:
>> On 24/07/2009, Filip Hanik - Dev Lists <devli...@hanik.com> wrote:
>> The server.xml file in the EXE is different from the one in the bin
>> file and appears to be an old version.
>> Likewise, the file tomcat-users.xml looks wrong - it says that there
>> is no user with the manager role, yet it contains the following entry:
>> <user name="admin" password="" roles="admin,manager" />
> IMHO this would be a release blocker.
> Of course if it is only a packaging problem, we can still fix for 28.
> Regards,
> Rainer

No, it is a known feature. It is there for I do not know how many releases. It
is observed by those who clicked through the EXE installer without paying
attention. One page of the installer asks you about user name and password,
and you end up with
<user name="admin" password="" roles="admin,manager" />
in your tomcat-users.xml, as those are the default values.

I consider that a serious problem, and would like at least to make
that installation
step optional, but I have not yet found time for it.

Patches are welcome.

Regarding the other questions:
> There is no .zip version of apache-tomcat-5.5.28-fulldocs.tar.gz
Yes, there is how it is. Those are the files that are to be published
on tomcat.apache.org. There is no zip version of it, and it is not
planned to create one.

> The source archives contain the file
> container/webapps/admin/images/Thumbs.db
> which does not belong in the archive.

That file is stored in Subversion, thus it belong to the release.
I removed it from SVN in rev.797772 - I think it is trivial.

> Also, the file
> container/modules/storeconfig-ha/test/conf/catalina.keystore
> Looks like a packaging error - perhaps accidental EOL conversion?

Yes, if there is a difference, it is a bug. Thank you for noticing,
+1 to fix it.  Not a showstopper though.

> There are no NOTICE or LICENSE files in the top-level of the source archives.

Those are in the build folder. The same in 5.5.27 and earlier.

Maybe we can copy them into the root folder (as well as "build.xml"
from build/resources
that is copied to the root folder as well as to tomcat-docs).

I think it can be fixed.

> The binary archives contain the files
>   bin/jsvc.tar.gz
>   bin/tomcat-native.tar.gz
>  which appears to be source code only.

That is because those components have to be compiled by a C/C++
compiler on the target platform.

> When the EXE is unpacked, there is no RELEASE-NOTES file in the
> top-level directory where one would expect to find it.

The default web application has a link to the RELEASE-NOTES. Also, EXE installer
displays them (instead of a Readme) after installation.

I, personally, am +1 to include a second copy of RELEASE-NOTES in the
root folder, though maybe others will object. The archive will be
larger (having a duplicate copy of a file).

It is true, though, as sebb once wrote, that RELEASE-NOTES contains
clearly visible Tomcat version number, and you can see it there, if it
is in the root folder, even if you replaced the ROOT webapp.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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