Thanks for  the answer Mark :)

I have started to fork the Tomcat to implement a Java EE Web Profile, called
Web Enterprise Server :)

My reasons:
1* Without touching source code it is impossible to implement such a
2*  I also do not like code conventions used in Tomcat (for example ,
listener-observer model.). I will implement an interfaces and use interfaces
on all core modules instead of using implementation classes.
3* I do no like to build it via complex ant scripts. I will create a maven
module for each of the projects. I think that each current project will
provide one/two modules.



2010/2/26 Mark Thomas <>

> On 26/02/2010 08:55, Gurkan Erdogdu wrote:
>> Hi;
>> You guys , do you think to implement Java EE 6 Web Profile using Tomcat?
>> Or
>> Tomcat is a Servlet&  JSP container forever?
> There has been some internal discussion on this topic when a journalist was
> asking essentially the same question.
> I think the reply I gave then (that in the end wasn't published) still
> applies:
> <quote>
> Currently, there are no plans in the Tomcat community to implement the
> web profile. Tomcat has always been focused on the Servlet and JSP/EL
> specifications. We simply don't see a demand from the Tomcat community
> for Tomcat to support the web profile. In my day job at SpringSource, I
> regularly work with clients that use Tomcat. Some of those clients have
> a requirement for a JTA implementation but I don't recall any of those
> clients asking for any of the other components in the web profile.
> Providing an application server that meets the web profile is on the
> road map for Apache Geronimo (Tomcat provides the Servlet & JSP
> implementations for Geronimo). The Tomcat committers will continue to
> listen to the Tomcat community via the very active users discussion list
> and, if a strong demand for web-profile support in Tomcat emerges, then
> we would look at the options to provide web profile support at that point.
> </quote>
> This is my personal view and I'm sure the other committers will speak up if
> they disagree.
> Mark
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Gurkan Erdogdu

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