> On 03/03/2010 21:12, Sylvain Laurent wrote:
> > 3) a couple of months ago I had proposed on this very list a kind of memory 
> > leak protection
> for those leaks caused by threads with incorrect CCL. I called this the 
> ExpendableClassLoader.
> Please have a look at my post back then : 
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/tomcat-dev/200903.mbox/%3cb1be8ffd-f13f-4b2b-b25a-83f2f855b...@m4x.org%3e
> > Since I did not get any feedback about this idea at all, neither positive 
> > nor negative,
> I can only assume that my post got lost in the middle of the other ones. I 
> still think that
> this ExpendableClassLoader would improve the memory leak protection. Actually 
> it would make
> the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener useless and developers would not have to 
> think about which
> option of the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener is useful to them.
> I suspect the lack of full source code (the Tomcat lists drop
> attachments) had something to do with it. The concept sounds promising
> and would be better than continually adding to the
> JreLeakPreventionListener.

Should I try to pursue my investigation and provide a patch ? for TC 6 or 7 ?
> > 4) Not tomcat specific, but it might interest you anyways :
> > there's definitely a problem with Sun's server VM, even with the latest 
> > 6.0_18. Classloaders
> are not always collected by the GC and this can lead to an OOME in the perm 
> gen. I managed
> to reproduce this with tomcat 6.0.24 and the petcare.war sample of Spring 3. 
> When using the
> client VM, the WebAppClassLoader is always correctly GCed. When using the 
> server VM (either
> 32 or 64 bits, on Windows or MacOS), the classloader is not collected and 
> after a couple of
> redeployments, the perm gen is full and an OOME is raised. When analyzing the 
> heap dump, I
> can see several instances of WebAppClassLoaders, and eclipse MAT 
> (www.eclipse.org/mat) shows
> that there's no strong reference to them :-(((
> That sounds like http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6916498

No, it's actually much more severe. The bug you filed provokes a one time leak: 
only the first webapp that uses 
DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder() will leak.
The bug I see with the server VM is probably closer to 
http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=4957990 which is supposed to be fixed 
since 6.0u16, but the comment of 2009-12-09 says otherwise. Anyways, I filed a 
bug report to Sun, it's in review for now...

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