IMHO we should use the modules/ directory as a place to move stuff out
of tomcat 'core', or develop stuff that is optional and only benefits a
of users. They can be included in a "tomcat-all" or "extra" download if
but they should be released independently.

Tags are pretty cheap - not sure what's the problem on having the modules
tagged when releases are made, and you can tag only the module when its
ready for a standalone release.


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Konstantin Kolinko

> What are the release plans for "bayeux", "jdbc-pool", "tomcat-lite"?
> Will they be separate components with their own lifecycle and
> versioning? Certainly "jdbc-pool" is mature and can be moved like
> that.
> Will we do the same for "bayeux" and "tomcat-lite"? IIRC there were
> thoughts to include "tomcat-lite" as an "extra" into regular TC
> releases, but I do not think that will happen right now.
> I do not mind the /modules being present on /trunk,
> but I think that we do not need them in /tc7.0.x/tags and in
> /tc7.0.x/trunk branch.
> 2010/5/19 Mark Thomas <>:
> > [x]  0 Move them, leave them. Don't mind.
> Best regards,
> Konstantin Kolinko
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