Are you going to replace DirContext ?

If yes - great, but please first send a quick summary comparing your API
with the other VFS
around in apache. I think commons has few targets, including a hdfs, I
remember there are more.

If no - not sure what's the point of replacing impl, I assume you
just need to add a DirContext
for hadoop.

I remember many years back I was arguing in favor of DirContext - pro
arguments were
"it's a standard", bundled in JDK, probably more target implementations will
be available, etc.
I think Remy was arguing that it's too complex and not a perfect fit. I
guess he was right :-)


On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 12:02 AM, Mladen Turk <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working for quite some time on the light-weight
> VFS layer (with the* as the only provider at
> the moment) to be used as the Tomcat's physical file
> system access. The ultimate goal is to be able to run
> the Tomcat on top of things like Hadoop or similar distributed
> file systems (eg. GFS) by just using the provider module.
> Now, the amount of changes is pretty huge but it involves
> mostly changing the* with the o.a.t.vfs.*
> counterparts.
> Since this "Pseudo VFS" has exactly the same API
> (with the Java7 additions), no functional code change is needed.
> Sure there are some additional config directives used
> to define which parts are using which vfs provider as default.
> (or by just using the
>  root="file://web/apps" or hdfs://<host>:<port>/web/apps
>  notion for non-clustered environments)
> I'd like to create a sandbox project for that
> (was thinking of /sandbox/tomcat-vfs)
> Comments?
> Regards
> --
> ^TM
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