On 17.02.2011 11:58, Mark Thomas wrote:
Given this, I am leaning even more towards just fixing the original
issue that the connection is not dropped when the request exceeds the
upload limit and leaving the rest of the behaviour unchanged.

Getting back to this (and sorry for the pause): What's the exact situation we want to skip swallowing the rest of the request and close the connection?

- only if Servlet 3 Uploads reach their max POST size?

- also if other uploads or more generally reading the request input is aborted?

In the later case: how do we detect "abort"?


- if the app called close() on the servlet input stream or the reader. This doesn't necessary indicate an "abort".

- if the app sets status 413 (request entity too large).
Should be possible since it is unlikely that the response was already committed when the app detected that the reuest data is to big.

- any other reliable mechanism?

It's easy to make it configurable (e.g. connector attribute swallowAbortedUploads or swallowInput passed down to the processor the same way like disableUploadTimeout).



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