Hi all,

some things I noticed while implementing the new switch:

- o.a.c.connector.Request and Response hav methods finishRequest() resp. finishResponse(). The mehod in the request seems not to be called. Although that's not a big issue, because the omplementation is empty, one would run into trouble when starting to add code to it (at least I wondered why it wasn't working)

- Should we keep the swallow default in TC 7 (default is "do swallow", i.e. read all of the remaining bytes, thereby keeping the thread busy for a possibly long time but also keeping browsers happy which will otherwise most likely not read the response). I'd say "keep swallowing" but had the impression that Mark is more concerned about it and prefers the "do not swallow" default.

- Domain and path of the session cookie are listed in config/context.xml as configurable per context. The name is not listed, although the setter is there and the value is respected in ApplicationSessionCookieConfig. Is this an oversight? Should I add the name to the context parameter list in the docs?



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