Noticing that e maintain two copies of jarsToSkip lists, one in and one in TomcatBaseTest, I was thinking about a
test case to compare the two. I then stumbled over our "copy" in the startup package, which doesn't have a
jarsToSkip at all.

File java/org/apache/catalina/startup/ is identical
to conf/ except for:


and the missing jarsToSkip block.

I think there is no reason for these differences and that the file in
the startup package should be the same as the default conf one we ship.

If so, shouldn't we simply remove the file in startup from svn, and add
a copy to tomcat.classes from the conf version to the copy to classes
part of the "compile" target? The file is also packaged into the src
jars. For this we can add a copy from conf to startup at the beginning
of the compile and add the file to the svn:ignore. Does that work for you?

Concerning the skipToJars in TomcatBaseTest: What about making
loadProperties in CatalinaProperties protected and use that one to
populate the System Properties that are defined in
That would also ensre, that we test against any other sysprops we add to
the default, like



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