2011/7/6 Rainer Jung <rainer.j...@kippdata.de>:
> Hi Konstantin,
> On 06.07.2011 08:03, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
>> 1. JavaDoc for the method has to be updated. It still says that the
>> name is quoted.
> Will fix.
>> 2. If I understand correctly, the name _is_ used directly, in
>> AbstractConnectionHandler.register():
>> ... ",worker=" + getProtocol().getName() + ",name=" ...
> It is used in ObjectNames, but only as a substring, not as a *full*
> Objectname. That's why I left the quoting in the sense of
> ObjectName.quote() in there, which might replace some special
> characters, and only stripped the surrounding quotes from the result.
> An exaple for the resultig ObjectName is:
> Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker=http-bio-8080,name=HttpRequest1
> instead of
> Catalina:type=RequestProcessor,worker="http-bio-8080",name=HttpRequest1
>> and MBeanUtils.destroyMBean(Connector,Service)
>>   worker = ((**Protocol)*).getName()
>>   new ObjectName(domain + ":type=RequestProcessor,worker=" + worker + ",*")
>> So if quotes are to be removed, let's do before appending the "-exec-"
>> suffix to them.
> That's what should already happen. From JMX:
> workerThreadName: http-bio-8080-exec-1
> Thread names from thread dump:
> "ajp-bio-8009-AsyncTimeout"
> "ajp-bio-8009-Acceptor-0"
> "http-bio-8080-AsyncTimeout"
> "http-bio-8080-Acceptor-0"
> etc.
>> The name is passed to Endpoint (AbstractEndpoint.setName()) and the
>> "-exec-" suffix is added in AbstractEndpoint.createExecutor().  There
>> are also other suffixes elsewhere ("-Poller-", "-CometPoller-"), ...
> Maybe you misinterpreted the multiple use of the word "quote". We still
> quote in the sense of escaping some chars in the name if it wouldn't be
> allowed in an ObjectName. We no longer quote in the sense of surrounding
> the name with quotes. So all names derived from getName() should be fine
> now.

Thank you for the explanation.

>From ObjectName javadoc:

Each value associated with a key is a string of characters that is
either unquoted or quoted.

An unquoted value is a possibly empty string of characters which may
not contain any of the characters comma, equals, colon, quote,
asterisk, or question mark.

A quoted value consists of a quote ("), followed by a possibly empty
string of characters, followed by another quote.(...)

So it looks like the quotes should be used when building a name from parts.

Regarding the name itself - it may contains address, and address may
contain a colon (':') if it is an ip6 address. That will require
quoting as a colon cannot be present in an unquoted name.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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