On 29/11/2011 15:57, Jörg Henke wrote:
> Hi there,
> just a question as I'm not familiar with tomcat developement and maven 
> integration; I think this is a developement topic to be discussed or at least 
> to be thought of.
> Is it possible to make tomcat use its own maven repository inside? This would 
> mean if I generate a war file to be deployed, I don't package the needed libs 
> referenced in maven, for tomcat should provide them.
> Then tomcat is to look into the war file, check the pom.xml and get the libs 
> from maven repository itself to make sure that the web application can use 
> the 
> needed libs.
> There might be conflicts between two releases of a lib; this must be handled 
> by 
> such a tomcat maven plugin. As the war defines the release version in its 
> maven 
> config file, tomcat is to be able to use the specified one instead of only 
> looking for the right package.
> The benefit would be smaller war files and only one lib for many projects.
> So here again my question: is it possible to do it this way or, if not, is 
> this "feature" to be implemented (at least as a module for tomcat)?

There is currently no such feature.

There are currently no plans to implement such a feature.

Dependency resolution is a non-trivial problem that Maven has already
solved and I'd rather not see all that functionality copied into Tomcat.

Shared JARs are notoriously problematic. Much better to have one JAR per
webapp. The memory savings are rarely worth the hassle (although you can
configure Tomcat with a shared classloader if you wish).

In terms of reducing JWAR size, while Tomcat can't resolve dependencies,
you could use [1] to pick up JARs from a local repository (which could
result in shared JARs on disk but not in memory) rather than packaging
them per application. The dependency resolution could still be done at
build time with the build tool configuring [1] rather than adding JARs
to WEB-INf/lib. This



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