2011/12/28 Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>:
> Given we see almost as many spam changes as valid ones, is it time for this:
> http://wiki.apache.org/general/OurWikiFarm#per_wiki_access_control_-_tighten_your_wiki_just_a_little.2C_benefit_just_a_lot

I do not see benefits from proposed change and I do not want to
administer people (esp. not having administrative tools like a list of
all registered user names etc.).

I think there will be more overhead with managing people than the
current one with reverting vandalism.

With users requesting contribution rights one has to react in several
hours and make decision on unclear grounds. With vandalism the actions
are more clear, do not take much time, and I do not see a problem in
reacting in ~24 hours. There was only one epidemic in the last year
when a dozen of pages were changed at once.

I think that there are other simple changes that can and must be implemented.

1. Protect certain pages like FrontPage from editing by anyone but AdminGroup.

2. I think we must review / drop the PoweredBy page.

Some time ago (about two years ago I think) I split the page into three lists:

a) Sites
b) Hosting providers
c) Surveys and other publications

The experience of the last two years is

a) Sites is a big list that is loosely maintained (almost never
updated) and is hard to verify whether the claims are true. That is it
is hard to verify whether some random  site uses Tomcat, that it is
safe, that it should be allowed to the list, or that it is pure

I propose to drop the "sites using Tomcat" list.

Maybe write something like "we dropped the list on January 2012,
because..." (not sure about wording).

b) The hosting providers list is maintained. There were a dozen of
updates during this year and it is easy to verify whether there is
public offer on the site or not.

I propose to keep the list and move it to a separate page.

c) The surveys - some are outdated. I would like to keep the list, but
I'd prefer to see some contribution to it. That is if anyone knows
some more up-to-date information or publications to list there.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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