
On 6/6/12 2:45 PM, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
> # Merging:
> 1. Run "update" before merge.

Of course :)

> 2. Invoke merge from the root of the project, so that svn:merge-info
> on the project root directory is updated.

I think this is what I failed to do with the EchoServlet: since there
was only a single file changed, I did the merge on that file only.

> If you need to revert after a merge (e.g. to rerun it), you should
> revert the root of the project, so that svn:mergeinfo property change
> on it is reverted.

Good to know.

> # Committing after a merge:
> 1. Start commit from the root of the project.
> This is so that svn:mergeinfo property change on that directory is
> committed as well.

Gotcha. I checked, and using '--depth empty' will allow me to specify
exactly which files to commit (including '.' at the project root)
without svn performing any kind of recursion. So, I can work on multiple
things at once as long as I only do a single merge at a time.

> Command line has --depth argument to many svn
> commands, but I do not know how well the GUI works in your case.

I used the CLI with --depth first to ensure it did what I wanted. I'll
see what Eclipse can do for me, now.

> When
> in doubt, it is better to prioritize the actual changes over mergeinfo
> management.


> This "start from root" recommendation is needed after a merge only and
> only to commit mergeinfo update.


> 2. I usually review the diff before committing.


> TortoiseSVN has "Show changes as unified diff" command.
> Command-line has "svn diff" command.
> Eclipse probably has something like that.

It does: you can compare the working copy (or a selection of files)
against HEAD. Eclipse also helpfully gives you a quick-diff along with
the list of files that have changed in the "commit message" dialog so
you can record the commit message and browse the changes simultaneously.

Thanks a lot,

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