On 11/02/2013 01:05, Williams, Nick wrote:
> As some of you know, I've been experimenting with Tomcat trunk (8.0)
> and the latest specs. I understand, of course, that this is all far
> from complete. While playing around this weekend, I noticed three
> things:
> -          Tomcat trunk still has EL 2.2 instead of the new EL 3.0
> -          javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionIdListener (possibly others,
> this is just the one I noticed) is missing from servlet-api.jar
> -          HttpServletRequest#changeSessionId() is not yet
> implemented
> Is anyone on the list currently working on any of these three things,

Not to my knowledge.

> and if so, do you have any idea when some reasonably-stable iteration
> of them will be checked in to trunk?

EL 3.0 will be a fair amount of work. The ID change stuff is trivial.


> Of course, I know it's entirely possible that simply nobody has even
> looked at them yet, and that's understandable this early in the
> game.
> Nick
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