On Jun 13, 2013, at 11:23 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:

> As I make my way through the Servlet 3.1 spec reviewing all the changes to 
> make sure they have all been implemented, I have reached section 8.2. There 
> are a number of related issues here.
> 1. Three known issues with the current SCI / fragment handling [1]
>   - SCI scan does not obey class loader ordering
>   - fragments in container JARs are processed
>   - Container SCIs may be exluded
> 2. A wish for per context jarsToSkip [2]
> 3. A wish for greater control over jarsToSkip [3]
> These issues are all inter-related. Fixing them is going to require either 
> some very ugly hacks or changes to the JarScanner API.
> I have started down the route of the JAR scanner API changes. The overall 
> idea is:
> - jarsToSkip is replaced by a JarScanFilter with the default
>  implementation doing what jarsToSkip currently does

I would request "doing what jarsToSkip currently does plus what is wanted with 
jarsToScan in 3." It shouldn't be extra complicated or require re- or 
duplicate-configuration of anything to whitelist one JAR.

Also, it's very important that log4j-core*.jar and log4j-taglib*.jar be 
whitelisted by default. These are 2.0-specific JARs and they must be scanned. 
log4j-core contains listeners/filters/fragment to initialize and deinitialize 
in a Servlet container properly, and log4j-taglib contains a TLD.


> - The client passes the type of scan (TLD, Pluggability, etc) to the
>  JarScanner
> - The JarScanner indicates whether or not any JAR found is an
>  application or container JAR
> - The JacScanFilter filters the JARs returned based on scan type and on
>  configuration
> This addresses the above issues in the following way:
> 1 - Knowing if the JAR is a container JAR or not allows the
>    ContextConfig class to do the right thing.
> 2 - The StandardJarScanFilter can be configured per context in the same
>    way the StandardJarScanner can.
> 3 - Same as 2.
> The StandardJarScanFilter will have enough options to implement the 
> requirements of 2 & 3.
> I currently have the start of this in a local git repo. Any objections to me 
> committing what I have to trunk and continuing there?
> [1] http://markmail.org/message/22e3sjmsy2gt4tkw
> [2] https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=54083
> [3] https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=54770
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