2013/8/20 Nick Williams wrote:
> I'm working on implementing bugzilla 55317. It's a pretty important
change (weaving) to a pretty import class (WebappClassLoader), so it
obviously needs some unit tests. However, I need some guidance:
> 1) I've never gotten all the existing tests to pass on my machine. Last
time I ran them it took 45 minutes (holy crap) and about 1/3 of them
failed. This is obviously something wrong with my configuration and not
with Tomcat. I'd like to avoid running all tests for this reason and only
run the particular tests I'm working on. How would I do this? Is this even
possible with Ant?

It is explained in BUILDING.txt
"(7.2) Running a single test
It is possible to run a single JUnit test class by adding the "test.entry"
property to the build.properties file. The property specifies the name of
the test class.

For example:


Also I run them directly in IDE as JUnit tests.


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