
On 9/25/13 9:37 AM, Violeta Georgieva wrote:
> The proposed Apache Tomcat 7.0.45 release is now available for voting.
> This release candidate contains JSR-356 Java WebSocket 1.0 implementation.
> Note that use of this functionality requires Java 7.
> It can be obtained from:
> The Maven staging repo is:
> The svn tag is:
> The proposed 7.0.45 release is:
> [ ] Broken - do not release
> [X] Stable - go ahead and release as 7.0.45 Stable

+1 for Stable

Debian Linux 2.6 x86-64
Oracle Java 1.6.0_26 64-bit JVM

MD5 sums match
GPG signatures match
ZIP and tarball are the same
tcnative builds fine
Checkstyle is happy
Java builds with a single warning:
    [javac] Compiling 1313 source files to
warning: getFeatureDescriptors(javax.el.ELContext,java.lang.Object) in
javax.el.ResourceBundleELResolver overrides
getFeatureDescriptors(javax.el.ELContext,java.lang.Object) in
javax.el.ELResolver; return type requires unchecked conversion
    [javac] found   : java.util.Iterator
    [javac] required: java.util.Iterator<java.beans.FeatureDescriptor>
    [javac]     public Iterator getFeatureDescriptors(
    [javac]                     ^
BIO, NIO, and APR tests all pass (except for Tribes which are known to
fail in my environment)

A short smoke test in my development environment shows no problems.


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