2014-03-26 19:59 GMT+04:00 Rémy Maucherat <r...@apache.org>:
> Hi,
> As I was looking at 55988, the testsuite seems to have two issues with Java
> 8 at the moment:
> - test.name=org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/TestUtf8.java
> UTF-8 experts wanted !
> - test.name=org/apache/jasper/tagplugins/jstl/core/TestForEach.java
> This would look like a JDT configuration issue or bug, it doesn't care
> about the "default" keyword in the newly added Iterator interface method

1. Can you cite what the errors are?

2. There is a number of known issues in JDK 1.8.0 itself

3. BTW, I usually use "test.entry" property to run a single test class
(as documented in BUILDING.txt),  though "test.name" is more capable.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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