Done (Bug 56383 <>).
I didn't know if we needed to talk about it first since it was a
enhancement. On another note do i need to make another bug for Tomcat 8 or
if this one gets excepted it will be ported over? What about documentation?
Does a patch for the site need to be included in the bug report as well?

Nick Bunn

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 2:17 AM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Nick,
> Please file a Bugzilla bug and attach your patch to it.
> -chris
> On 4/9/14, 10:36 AM, Nick Bunn wrote:
> > Good Day,
> > As i'm sure you are all aware when the default error valve returns its
> > report it publishes the tomcat version and some other troubleshooting
> > data. This of course breaks one of my securities teams rules and also is
> > published as a item that needs to be remediated when hardening
> > tomcat(OWASP - <> ). When using the
> > OWASP solution of replacing the file it can and
> > will break tools/code that uses that information(in my case our
> > deployment agent). The other two solutions are to create our own valve
> > and just change it to the default error valve or override the status
> > code at the HTTPD server(which broke our JSON and SOAP requests that
> > were providing valid 4XX and 5XX). That being said why not just have the
> > capability to disable this information in the current error valve? This
> > way we are not requiring users to override there
> > or create some customer error valve they will have to maintain. Thoughts?
> >
> > Attached is the a simple patch to version 7.0.x. Can easily be ported to
> > 8.0.x as not much as changed. You would then just add the below to your
> > server.xml
> >
> > <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve"
> > showReport="false" showServerInfo="false" />
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Nick Bunn
> >
> >
> >
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Nick Bunn

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