--- Comment #12 from Mark Thomas <> ---
I am making progress. The structure is in svn, the sources for JULI are hooked
up via externals and the tomcat-juli-8.0.13-SNAPSHOT.jar that is created looks
reasonable (I haven't tested it).

If we want this to be a way folks familiar with Maven can work with the source,
that is one thing (and I think we have most of whet we need once the svn
externals are finished).

If we want users to be able to use this to build a working Tomcat distribution,
that is is more complex.

If we want to be able to use this to build a release that is more complex

Working with the source:
1. How do you propose to update the version number after a release? Updating
every POM by hand is not viable.
2. The JARs need to contain the right LICENSE and NOTICE file. Even if they
aren't meant to be released, someone will distribute them somewhere, somehow.

Working instance:
3. How do we get to this point?

4. Can source JARs are be created?
5. Windows installer, signing etc.

For this to be useful I think it has to be possible to create a working Tomcat
instance. I'm far less concerned about being able to release.

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