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= Apache Tomcat Grid =
This write up is a draft that includes a set of ideas that could be useful when 
managing multiple Tomcat instances. Even if some of these ideas go beyond the 
effort we want to undertake, I decided to include them so they can be discussed 
and maybe included on the road map. This description is by no means  
comprehensive and/or finished but provides a base line to start bouncing ideas.

Please feel free to update, fix, change, and reorganize this document in any  
manner you feel is useful.

== Introduction ==
The Tomcat Grid manages one or more Tomcat instances from a centralized  
location. This manager application shows the status of each Tomcat instance,  
and provides a simple interface to trigger operations on them, individually or  
as a group.

== Architectural Overview ==
The centralized location of the Tomcat Grid (the primary location) stores the  
grid configuration, probably as an XML file. For reliability purposes,  
secondary locations can be setup so the grid configuration is replicated after 
every change.

The primary location runs a Tomcat Grid Manager, a web application that runs on 
a separate Tomcat instance. This manager application shows the state of the all 
Tomcat instances on the grid, and allows users to trigger operations on these  
Tomcat instances.

In addition to the Web Grid Manager, a Command-line (CLI) Grid Manager  
application mimics the functionality of the web manager, with an equivalent  
(text-only) interface that shows the status of the Tomcat instances, and  
provides commands to trigger remote operations on them.

The secondary locations run on dedicated Tomcat instances. They run a copy of  
the Grid Manager but they are shut down all the time unless they are explicitly 
 started by an operator (when the primary one goes bad). No two managers should 
 be active at the same time. If activated, the secondary locations can start  
producing changes to the local grid configuration, and these changes are  
replicated to all other managers (if/when possible).

The example shown in the figure below assumes Machines #1 and #4 run a lighter  
web and/or back end applications, so they have enough resources bandwidth to  
run the extra Tomcat instance for the manager. In case the primary manager on  
Machine #1 goes down (or the whole Machine #1 goes down), there is a secondary  
manager (on Machine #4) that can be activated to take over the managing duties.


 . .Machine #2............. :                       : : [Tomcat #2]           : 
:   ^                   : :   |  [Tomcat #6]      : :   |    ^              : : 
  |    |  [Tomcat #9] : :   |    |    ^         : :   |    |    |         :

 . +

>[Grid Agent #2]       :

 . |         :                       : |         ......................... | |

 . .Machine #1.............         |         ..Machine #3............. :       
                :         |         :                       : : [Primary Web 

>|         : [Tomcat #3]           :

 . :                       :         |         :   ^                   : :      
[Tomcat #1]      :         |         :   |  [Tomcat #7]      :
 :        ^              :         |         :   |    ^              : :        
|  [Tomcat #5] :         |         :   |    |  [Tomcat #10]: :        |    ^    
     :         |         :   |    |    ^         : :        |    |         :    
     |         :   |    |    |         : : [Grid Agent #1]<


>[Grid Agent #3]       :

 . :                       :         |         :                       : : 
[Primary CLI Manager]

>|         .........................

 . :                       :         |
 . ........................         |
  . |         ..Machine #4............. |         :                       : |   
      : [Sec. Web Manager]    : |         :                       : |         : 
     [Tomcat #4]      : |         :        ^              : |         :        
|  [Tomcat #8] : |         :        |    ^         : |         :        |    |  
       : +

>[Grid Agent #4]       :

 . :                       : : [Sec. CLI Manager]    : :                       :
 . ........................


The Grid Agents are Java processes installed and running on each machine that  
listen (on a configured port) for commands from a manager application (Web or  
CLI) and act upon them by interacting with the local Tomcat instances. No  
encryption is envisioned on the network channels, since all these machines are  
considered to be installed on a secured network segment (at least in prod).  
[Maybe we should reconsider this]

All the Tomcat instances (including the Web Grid Managers), as well as the Grid 
 Agents, are installed manually. The primary grid manager and all the agents 
are  started manually too.

Once the Web Grid Manager is started up, machines and instances can be  
registered in it, so they can become manageable. No centralized  
(comprehensive) provisioning is envisioned until later version of Tomcat Grid  
(see below).

The Grid Agents are also processes that can be managed. In particular, status  
can be obtained (and showed) from them, and basic operations (start/stop/kill)  
can be triggered on them. These operation are, however, heavily dependent on  
the OS capabilities (configuration, installed tools, etc.) and the  
infrastructure architecture (fire-walled machines, network VLans, etc).

Collectively Tomcat instances and Grid Agents are "services", since both can  
be managed.

Later versions of the grid include "collection" management. This allows to  
group subsets of services (Tomcat instances and Grid Agents), so they can be  
operated as whole. A collection can include plain services, or other  
collections (recursively).

Considering all the above, the following phases could be considered for on the  
Tomcat Grid development.

== Phase 1 - Core Grid Operation ==
The first phase includes the most basic features, in order to provide a  
functioning and useful first version of the Grid.

In particular, no Tomcat instances or Grid Agents automatic provisioning is  
considered, no configuration GUI (only pre-configured XML config files), no WAR 
 deployments, no command-line interface, no complex grid operations, no  
secondary managers, and no collections.

Included features are:

 1. The Grid Manager presents a Web interface that shows information of the 
whole Grid and present simple buttons to operate the Tomcat instances.

 1. The managing logic must be clearly separated from the Web interface logic, 
since later on, a Command-Line Grid Manager will be included, and will use the 
same managing logic.

 1. The available commands for each instance are:
  * '''status''': retrieves the status of a Tomcat instance

  * '''trigger-start''': sends a start request to the Tomcat instance

  * '''trigger-stop''': sends a stop request to the Tomcat instance

  * '''trigger-kill''': sends a kill request to the Tomcat instance

 1. A simple configuration file lists all the machines and their instances so 
the Grid knows where each instance resides. [This configuration file is 
probably in XML format]

 1. Grid Agents are installed on each machine and manage all instances in that 
machine pertaining to the Grid. Grid Agents receive commands from any manager 
and act accordingly. To manage the instances the Agents use:
  * Shell calls: start an instance, kill calls,
  * JMX calls to retrieve instance live information.
  * JMX calls to change instance configuration and state.
  * OS calls for any OS related need.

 1. It's assumed that a port will be accessible on each where the Grid Agent 
serves the managers application. The firewall, if present must allow active 
server-type sockets on that port.

 1. Multiple Grids can be running on the same set (or subset) of machines. If 
that's the case, Tomcat instances, and Grid Agents run on different ports. When 
multiple grids use the same servers they don't interfere with each other and 
can be operated simultaneously.

 1. The status command shows the following information for each instance:
  * Machine
  * Service (a unique grid-wide name for each instance)
  * State

 1. The state of an instance can be:
  * '''Active''': the instance OS process exists, the instance is serving 
requests, and it looks healthy [enough].

  * '''Zoetic''' [for lack of a better word]: the instance OS process exists, 
but the instance is unresponsive and it doesn't respond to requests for state. 
It's probably not serving any HTTP requests, does not look healthy, it may be 
starting, it may be shutting down, it may be overwhelmed. Who knows.

  * '''Stopped''': the instance OS process does not exist, and therefore the 
instance is not operating at all.

  * If possible it would be great to discern different sub cases of the Zoetic 
state, so to help the user to determine what's going on and tackle the case 
   * '''Starting''': The Tomcat instance process exists, and the instance is 
starting. It's not yet serving HTTP requests.

   * '''Stopping''': The Tomcat instance process exists, and the instance is 
stopping. It's no longer serving HTTP requests.

   * '''Unresponsive''': The Tomcat instance process exists, but the instance 
health isn't good, it's not responding to HTTP requests, or it's overwhelmed. 
It's not even responding to state requests.
 1. Grid Agents communicate over unsecured TCP sockets, and assume the network 
segmentation provides a secure segment.

 1. The "trigger"-type commands just deliver the corresponding signal to the 
instance's Grid Agent and returns right away, without waiting for the full 
operation to complete. It's kind of "fire and forget". The web user can keep on 
refreshing the the web interface to find out about the status of the Tomcat 

 1. Simple user name/password authentication is implemented to secure the Web 
interface. [Maybe we'll need to provide more options]

== Phase 2 - Manageable Grid Agents ==
This phase revamps the Grid Agents so they become manageable.

Included features are:

# As well as the instances, the agents can become unresponsive, or even crash. 
To address cases like these commands are implemented to manage the agents as 
well. The grid agents become now manageable services.

# All grid agents are now also registered in the configuration file under 
(also) unique service names. All manageable services have unique names so 
commands (a trigger-start, for example) can distinguish which type of service 
it needs to act on, and will chose a different logic (program, or script) to 

# All four previously defined commands are now available for the Grid Agents: 
#* status #* trigger-start #* trigger-stop #* trigger-kill

# The status command now adds an extra column "Type" after the service column 
that indicates the type of service: Tomcat instance, or Grid Agent.

# The mechanism to manage the grid agents is necessarily OS dependent. For 
example, in Linux it can be implemented using Bash commands though SSH. Most 
suitable mechanisms must be studied for each OS.

== Phase 3. Secondary Managers ==
The functionality for configuration replication is added.

Included features are:

# Secondary managers are registered on the grid's configuration file.

# Every time a configuration change is produced or detected on the 
configuration of the primary manager, the changes are distributed to all 
secondary managers.

# If the primary manager is down, secondary managers can distribute new 
configuration changes.

== Phase 4 - Extended Service & Machine Information ==
This phase extends the status information of the whole grid beyond the basic 

Included features are:

# The status command now adds more information for each service (Tomcat 
instances and Grid Agents): #* CPU usage (if possible) #* CPU load (if 
possible) #* Head usage (if possible) #* Threads (if possible) #* Started on 
(if possible) #* Any other information deemed useful for managing purposes.

# [Optional] Machine information (same page, or maybe an extra tab) shows per 
machine: #* CPU usage #* CPU load #* Memory usage #* File system drives/mounts 
space usage (maybe only specific mounts)

== Phase 5 - Command-Line Interface ==
This phase provides a CLI manager interface for environments that cannot use 
the web interface.

Included features are:

# In addition to the Web Grid Manager interface, the Command-Line Grid Manager 
interface is suitable when the web interface cannot be used. Typical cases are, 
when no web port is available on the servers (probably fire-walled), when the 
security policies do not allow remote server operations, etc. This maybe the 
case on some secured/fire-walled production environments where only text 
sessions are accessible.

# The Command-Line Grid Manager is also suitable for automation (e. g. the 
weekly full/partial site restart) when unattended operations are scheduled, 
using cron or equivalent utilities.

# The Command-Line Grid Manager always leaves a log file per command execution 
on a directory created for this purpose. Each log file's name includes the time 
stamp, the command name, and (if possible) the arguments.

# The implemented commands are: #* status #* trigger-start #* trigger-stop #* 

# The trigger commands are only executed when necessary. If an instance is 
already running a trigger-start command will be ignored. Conversely 
trigger-stop and trigger-kill commands are ignored when the instance is stopped.

# Return codes must be strategically defined to allow automation. Well defined 
return codes can provide useful information to the caller program/process, so 
it can clearly identify the problem and act accordingly.

== Phase 6 - Hooks ==
Extending the core operation of the grid services with custom logic.

Included features are:

# Hooks are extra activities we want to be performed when some events occur on 
each instance. A hook is implemented as a shell scripts (or other) and is 
linked to one of the following events: #* '''pre-trigger-start''' #* 
'''post-trigger-start''' #* '''pre-trigger-stop''' #* '''post-trigger-stop''' 
#* '''pre-trigger-kill''' #* '''post-trigger-kill'''

# The hooks are only executed when the corresponding signal is not ignored. For 
example, if a trigger-start is issued and the instance is stopped, the 
corresponding pre-trigger-start and post-trigger-start hooks are executed. If 
the instance was running, then the command would be ignored and its hooks would 
also be skipped.

# Hooks can be useful for many purposes. For example, typical uses are: #* 
Prepare an instance configuration. #* Record instance events. #* Send emails or 
other notifications upon restarts. #* Clear caches & temp dirs before starting 
an instance. #* Delay the start of an instance to allow the OS to reclaim 
resources. #* Generate thread dump on specific events.

# Hooks scripts run on the machine where the affected instance runs. Therefore, 
the hooks script are copied and are ready to be executed on all machines of the 

# When hooks are registered (maybe uploaded) on the Grid they are automatically 
distributed behind the scenes to all instances/machines before they are ready 
to use.

== Phase 7 - Enhanced Grid Operation ==
Beyond the basic trigger operations, there's usually need for more complex 
ones, that provide very common needs but are seldom formally implemented.

Included features are:

# Non-trigger commands are added to both the Command-Line and Web interfaces: 
#* '''start''': waits until the operation succeeds or fail #* '''stop''': waits 
until the operation succeeds or fail #* '''kill''': waits until the operation 
succeeds or fail #* '''restart''': waits until the operation succeeds or fail; 
with configurable restart delay #* '''killstart''': waits until the operation 
succeeds or fail; with configurable restart delay

# The new commands operate on both types of services (instances and agents).

# New hooks are added for the new commands: #* '''pre-start''' #* 
'''post-start''' #* '''pre-stop''' #* '''post-stop''' #* '''pre-kill''' #* 
'''post-kill''' #* '''pre-restart''' #* '''post-restart''' #* 
'''pre-killstart''' #* '''post-killstart'''

# All these new commands use the trigger commands behind the scenes.

# The hooks for the non-trigger events are never ignored, so they are executed 
even if the related trigger commands are ignored.

# Automatic trigger-kill operations are now be automatically issued for stop 
and restart operations if configured, when a trigger-stop fails to succeed in 
the configured limit of time. The time limit is now optionally specified in the 
configuration file on a per-service basis.

# A restart delay (now optionally specified on a per-service bases on the 
configuration file) is used when restarting services: it applied to the restart 
and killstart commands.

# The non-trigger commands show an update of the service state periodically 
(defaults to every 10s, and can be specified on the configuration file), and 
they keep working until the full operation completes.

== Phase 8 - Simple Deployment ==
This phase implements War applications deployment and undeployment to the grid 
as a whole, or to specific Tomcat instances.

Included features are:

# New commands: #* '''deploy''': deploys a web application (a WAR) to a 
specific or all grid instances #* '''undeploy''': undeploys a web application 
to a specific or all grid instances

# Through this operations Tomcat instances will be able to run multiple web 

# The status command is revamped so it now lists all war applications deployed 
on each instance.

== Phase 9 - Application Version Management ==
The application versioning is like a deployment functionality on steroids.

The Application Version Management may interfere with the simple Deployment as 
described before, since it manages web applications in a different manner. It 
needs to be studied if both modes are compatible and can work at the same time, 
or if both are mutually exclusive. If the latter, the user will need to choose 
which mode to use when setting up the grid.

When the a new version of the application (a Release) needs to be deployed the 
deployment happens in an orderly manner. The grid also keeps track of which 
version is live, which ones are not live but still on the grid, and also 
provide rollback capabilities.

Included features are:

# A Release includes one or more deployables. Deployables are WARs, JARs, etc. 
that will be part of an application we want to deploy on the grid.

# Maybe all deployables are deployed to all instances, maybe each deployable 
goes to a subset of instances. This will need to be specified on the 
configuration file.

# Releases are first registered into the Grid (maybe even uploaded) under a 
client-provided unique Version ID. If no Version ID is provided, the system 
generates it. Behind the scenes, each release deployable is transferred to the 
corresponding machines automatically during registration. Since this operation 
may take a while the release will show the states of loading, ready, or 

# Releases must be deployed to the grid using the Version ID. Since all 
deployables are already distributed to all machines, a deployment now 
corresponds to local copy (or sym link) of each deployable to the Tomcat's 
webapps dir. The deployment automatically registers which Version ID is now 
deployed on every instance. The deployment operation can be sent to the whole 
grid or to a single instance.

# No two versions are deployed at the same time on a Tomcat instance. When a 
version is deployed to an instance, the existing one is first unlinked from the 
instance. It's not actually removed from the grid or the file system, so a 
rollback operation can be performed quickly if needed.

# New commands are implemented: #* '''register''': loads a new application 
version into the grid under a unique Version ID #* '''deregister''': removes a 
non-live application version from the grid #* '''versions''': list all loaded 
and live Version IDs and where they are deployed #* '''deploy''': deploys all 
version's deployables to the corresponding instances, unlinking the old ones #* 
'''rollback''': undeploys the current version from all Tomcat instances, and 
restores the previous version #* '''deploystop''': deploys all version's 
deployables to the corresponding instances, but keep the Tomcat instances down 
#* '''undeploy''': undeploys a version (or a single deployable) from the grid 
or a subset of the grid

# As shown above the deploy and undeploy commands are revamped.

# The deploy, rollback, deploystop, and undeploy command may use, behind the 
scenes, many low-level "link" and "unlink" tasks. These tasks add/remove a 
deployable to/from an instance correspondingly.

# Each deploy inspects the current state of the grid and saves a Rollback Plan. 
The rollback commands executes the Rollback Plan. Only one Rollback Plan is 
saved at any given time.

# The Rollback (if saved) is shown on the Web and CLI interfaces.

# The status operation now also shows for each instance: #* Deployables (the 
list of war applications deployed in the instance) #* Version IDs #* Deployed 
at (date & time)

# New hooks are added for the new commands: #* '''pre-register-release''' #* 
'''post-register-release''' #* '''pre-register-deployable''' #* 
'''post-register-deployable''' #* '''pre-deregister-release''' #* 
'''post-deregister-release''' #* '''pre-deregister-deployable''' #* 
'''post-deregister-deployable''' #* '''pre-deploy''' #* '''post-deploy''' #* 
'''pre-rollback''' #* '''post-rollback''' #* '''pre-deploystop''' #* 
'''post-deploystop''' #* '''pre-undeploy''' #* '''post-undeploy''' #* 
'''unlink'''  (unlink: low-level operation that removes a deployable from an 
instance) #* '''post-unlink''' #* '''pre-link'''    (link: low-level operation 
that adds a deployable to an instance) #* '''post-link'''

== Phase 10 - Collections ==
Collections are groups and sub-groups of services (instances and/or agents) 
that are managed together. Essentially, instead of issuing a command on a 
single service, you can now issue it onto a collection. The commands will now 
affect all services in the collection and will probably take longer to 
complete, since multiple operations are now needed to complete the whole 

Collections may group identical Tomcat instances or maybe Tomcat instances that 
do not serve the same purpose. For example, one subgroup of Tomcat instances 
may run the customer facing site (like an HTTP cluster), other group may run 
the back end site (maybe processing JMS queues), other group may be dedicated 
to serving or connecting to integration points.

Included features are:

# The following commands can now be issued on collections in addition to plain 
services: #* status #* trigger-start #* trigger-stop #* trigger-kill #* start 
#* stop #* kill #* restart #* killstart #* deploy #* rollback #* deploystop #* 

# Hooks are modified to provide information of the collection they are 

# When a hook runs on a collection, it runs on the machine where the manager 
application (web or cli) runs, not remotely on the machine of any other 
instance. This is because in this case the execution is not tied to a specific 
instance, but to a collection.

# Services defined in a collection can be managed in sequential or parallel 
modes. For example, a restart command on a sequential collection will restart 
the second service only, when the first one has fully completed. Once the 
second completes, it will restart the third one, and so on. A parallel 
collection would issue a restart on all services simultaneously.

# Collections are defined in the configuration file and are of a recursive 
nature: a collection can include plain services, other collections, or both. 
For sequential mode, each "sub-collection" is treated as a single element so 
it's considered fully complete when all its included services and collections 

# [To be analyzed and defined if it's useful or not] Collections editing 
through the Web interface. This can be useful to graphically update collections 
when machines/instances are added/removed.

== Phase 11 - Instance Configuration ==
The Web interface adds functionality to specify Tomcat instances configuration 
from the centralized location.

The CLI interface does not offer this functionality. [to be discussed]

Included features are:

# Using the Web interface the user can change instance's configuration 
remotely. This operation allows the instances to be changed remotely, for 
example to: #* Add libraries (typically JDBC drivers, MQ drivers, JSF, etc.) #* 
Set JVM parameters (memory settings, GC behavior, JVM tweaking, etc.) #* 
Prepare (add/change/remove) JDBC data sources #* Set context parameters #* Set 
JNDI entries #* View required WAR resources, and set resources values 
accordingly #* Changing listeners #* Other instance configurations

== Phase 12 - Instance Provisioning ==
This functionality removes the necessity of a manual setup of all machines and 
Tomcat instances of the Grid. After installing the first Tomcat instance and 
deploying the Web Manager, provisioning operations to local or remote machines 
can be performed through the web interface.

Because of its nature, the implementation of the provisioning operations is 
heavily OS dependent.

In addition it may not be possible to install, configure, and run the Grid 
Agents remotely because of fire-walled machines. If that's the case, the Grid 
Agents will need to be manually setup. Once the Grid Agents are running, the 
rest of the provisioning can be performed through the Web Manager, using the 
Grid Agents.

Included features are:

# The provisioning operation will automate the following tasks: #* Login into a 
machine #* Installing the Grid Agents #* Configuring & running the Grid Agent 
#* Installing the Tomcat instances #* Configuring the Tomcat instances #* 
Configuring the environment (shell variables, other)

# Using the Web and Command-Line interfaces the user can provision the Grid. 
Typical operations can be: #* Adding a new machine to the Grid. #* Removing a 
machine from the Grid. #* Adding a new instance to a machine. #* Removing an 
instance from a machine.

# Once new machine is registered, the machine's Agent is installed and executed.

# To deregister a machine all instances must have been removed first.

# If a machine is deregistered, the Agent is stopped and optionally 
uninstalled. Maybe we'll leave it there, so it will be easier in the future to 
re-provision the machine.

# Once a new instance is created the following operations are performed: #* 
Registering the machines on the grid configuration file #* Standard instance's 
directory tree is copied #* All the instance extra configuration (libraries, 
JDBC data sources, etc.) are performed #* No deployments are installed yet.

# To remove an instance, all deployables must have been undeployed first.

# Once an instance is removed: #* The instance is removed from the 
configuration file and any collection that included it #* All deployments are 
removed from it #* The whole directory tree for it is removed on the remote 

# The provisioning operations require remote access to the new machine, and 
therefore some kind of connections needs to be setup. For example, an SSH 
connection could be used if the user provides the user name/password 
credentials or if if an ssh key exchange had been previously setup between the 

== Phase 13 - Custom Commands ==
[To be described]

== Phase 14 - Version Repository ==
[To be described]

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