Some release notes created, still more work needed there.

Binaries published:

Should hit the mirrors soon.


On Mar 31, 2013, at 7:18 PM, David Blevins <> wrote:

> Vote passes with 8 +1s and 1 +0.
> +1s:
> Alan Cabrera
> Daniel Haischt
> David Blevins
> Jean-Louis Monteiro
> Jeff Genender
> Thiago Veronezi
> Jacek Laskowski
> Mark Struberg
> +0:
> Romain Manni-Bucau
> On release notes, we still have some work to do.  We effectively have no 
> changes in 1.5.2 according to JIRA:
> And a friendly poke to Romain to please not file all your jiras as Bugs. :)
>       • [TOMEE-660] - basic tomee.bat file
>       • [TOMEE-698] - allow to configure OWB failoverservice
>       • [TOMEE-704] - setup arquillian-tck for tomee-remote
>       • [TOMEE-707] - better help mojo for tomee mvn plugin
>       • [TOMEE-710] - basic ability to deploy a rar from a war
>       • [TOMEE-737] - ability to configure OWB properties through app 
> properties
>       • [TOMEE-738] - hooks to deploy rar as jar in WEB-INF/lib
>       • [TOMEE-739] - ability to provide a resource comparator for cxf rest 
> endpoints
>       • [TOMEE-749] - basic config for cdi 
> interceptors/alternatives/decorators in @Classes
>       • [TOMEE-778] - provide basic command for tomee maven plugin
>       • [TOMEE-779] - ability to configure if the global default jpa provider 
> should override or not the specified ones
>       • [TOMEE-785] - ability to configure TimerStore class
>       • [TOMEE-787] - ClassLoaderConfigurer based on ProvisioningUtil class
>       • [TOMEE-792] - propagating host to webcontext since it can be useful 
> for matching (of WBC for instance)
>       • [TOMEE-795] - ProvisioningWebappLoader
>       • [TOMEE-796] - try to use repo1 to find a mvn location if resolver not 
> available
>       • [TOMEE-797] - basic maven plugin to generate jars.txt files
> I should have some time tomorrow to help get a list of changes together for 
> the release, but getting it out that same day might be kind of tough.  Any 
> help is greatly appreciated.
> -David
> On Mar 21, 2013, at 5:17 AM, wrote:
>> [generated email]
>> SVN Tag:
>> Maven Repo:
>> Binaries & Source:
>> Vote will be open for 72 hours (Sat 09:17PM PDT) or as needed.

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