Pinging everyone who has shown interest in this online and offline.

Some time ago I proposed an initiative to collect all the various test in 
Apache's Java EE related projects and convert and collect them here.

It would no doubt be a great contribution to TomEE, but to Java EE in general.  
The initiative has incredible merit, we all see that.

What we need to get started I think is some basic documentation and an example 
or two and someone to take the lead to keep things moving.  Volunteers on any 
of those fronts are very welcome.

Of course volunteers not just from the people Cc'ed, but anyone; committer, 
contributor, lurker, never-before-posteder.  You're reading this so you must be 
interested :) Now's your time to make a difference :)

If we can get something rolling by the holidays, I think that'd be really 
amazing.  I know the Christmas/Holiday break was always prime hacking time for 
me -- always a good opportunity to escape from typical work and try new things. 
 Like Google Summer of Code, but for people with full-time jobs.



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