Hi Infra - You guys and gals rock,

It struck me this morning after making a comment about 'donating to your favourite open source project' that I had not done that this year myself - Hypocrite :-[ .

What better than to feed our own stomachs I thought, and headed here - http://apache.org/

It then actually took quite some digging (minutes in fact) to finally make it here - http://www.apache.org/foundation/contributing.html

I think we really need as a community to get that link on the front page at the very top. I'm sure we are missing a lot of 'on a whim' donations due to that.

What I'd really like to see is the PayPal and Amazon fields right on the front page.

What do you think?


  Andy Gumbrecht


  TomEE treibt Tomitribe! | http://tomee.apache.org

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