To sum up what was wrong with the failed release on Sunday.

There was a SNAPSHOT dependency added to the parent POM and missed on deploy - This was a breaking issue on the staging.

The builds could not be run in parallel, as many tests were using the same conflicting ports. We have not had concurrent builders running on the same buildbot for some time, but we have just been 'lucky' that this was 'mostly' working. I think I have most, if not all, the tests that bind to ports changed so that the ports are random - There will surely be more issues, but concurrent builds have become significantly more stable. We have to be able to cope with this as we now run builds of TomEE 1.7.x on Java 6/7 and TomEE 2.0.x on Java 7/8/9EA - Most of these will fire at the same time on commits and merges.

Another big issue that cost significant effort was that the javaagent had been commented out in the openejb-core.pom during testing on Java 7, and unfortunately forgotten. This broke the enhancement for several tests in a very subtle way so that it was not obvious what was going wrong, the issues were only apparent on Java 7 build. This was also done at time that the build was not green, so made tracking down additionally hard. Obviously this led us to believe that the Java 8 support we were about to announce was broken.

As trunk had already had significant formatting and finals changes committed it was necessary to make the 1.7.x branch comparable for successful merges. This also led to several test failures that needed to be rectified. The upside is that many tests were tweaked and updated during this process.

Java 7 builds on Windows platforms also revealed several 'slightly' flawed tests, again the upside is that some minor issues were addressed during analysis.

We are now really close to getting all issues resolved - We will have green builds by the end of the day.


On 17/07/2014 17:18, David Blevins wrote:
Wondering if we can get a complete list of issues holding up 1.7 on a single 

On the legal side, we still need:

  - Library diff
  - Review/adjust LICENSE and NOTICE files

The last one on the list frequently tanks releases.  Doesn't affect security 
releases, but with larger versions is just a bear.  Let's make sure we do that 
one before we put up another vote as voting drastically decreases each time we 

  Andy Gumbrecht

  TomEE treibt Tomitribe! |

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