Hey Alex,

To be honest, I find the protocol section of arquillian the most confusing
for new users to pick up.  Why should they care what the protocol
transferring the test data is using?  I remember at the beginning, AS7 had
a JMX protocol.  This made tons of sense, since it didn't impact the
running application.  No one understood why their tests stopped work
though!  Truth be told, the fact that most people end up relying on
servlet, without even realizing that its the arquillian runtime starting an
HTTP request makes it confusing to understand scope.  Basically, users end
up relying on the servlet protocol to start their HTTP request for them,
instead of starting an HTTP request for their test invocation.

Just curious, is this out on discourse somewhere? I can continue my whine
fest there :-)


On Sat, Oct 3, 2015 at 4:58 PM Alex Soto <asot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello mates,
> I send this email to start a discussion for a change on TomEE Arquillian
> Adapter.
> The other day, because of the book (Arquillian In Action), I checked the
> protocol used by different adapters. I noticed that only Weld adapter and
> TomEE embedded adapter are using the local protocol,all other ones are
> using the Servlet 3.0 protocol. And maybe you are asking why this is
> important? Well the problem is that a lot of extensions requires this
> protocol to work, for example Arquillian Persistence extension or Arquillan
> Warp extension. In case a user wants to use  embedded TomEE and one
> extension that requires servlet protocol, it would get a cryptic exception.
> Of course there is a workaround and it is overriding the default protocol
> by using protocol special tag in arquillian.xml and adding the
> servlet-protocol dependency.
> I think that it would be easier for everyone if all adapters works in the
> same way. With the release of TomEE 7 I think it could be a good
> opportunity to make this change in the Arquillian embedded adapter as well
> and align with the rest of the containers.
> The change to be done is very simple in terms of code (Adding one
> dependency and change one String of the adapter).
> What do you think? From the point of view of Arquillian community it would
> be the logic step.
> Alex.

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