
We got 2016 number, not sure where 2015 one comes from but didnt go through
security process - or was before we tackled it? any other pmc saw it?

If didnt went through security@ no reason to mention it.
Le 4 avr. 2016 22:57, "Robert Panzer" <rpan...@tomitribe.com> a écrit :

> Hi,
> the TomEE docs currently document CVE-2016-0779 as resolved in TomEE 1.7.4
> and 7.0.0-M3.
> This seems to be a duplicate of CVE-2015-8581.
> Therefore this vulnerability should also be documented as resolved.
> I opened a ticket and attached a patch that adds a mention of
> CVE-2015-8581 next to CVE-2016-0779.
> Would be nice if somebody could review it.
> Cheers
> Robert

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