Our status is every time we discuss a release, we never agree and then one 
never happens.  We could have a trail of releases behind us by now.

MicroProfile work is ongoing in both TomEE 8 and TomEE 7.1.  It's not feature 
complete, but there are complete features and it is usable now.  The fear is 
we'll get stuck an a "milestone or final" discussion for the next 3 weeks and 
in that time we could have had a few releases up.  Add to this that we always 
throw away our first few release attempts and repeatedly re-roll.

I'd like to propose this compromise to getting us unstuck.  For the next two 
months week do four releases, spaced evenly apart starting this week:

 - Fri Aug 17th TomEE 8 and TomEE 7.1 milestone
 - Fri Aug 31th TomEE 8 and TomEE 7.1 milestone or final
 - Fri Sep 14th TomEE 8 and TomEE 7.1 milestone or final
 - Fri Sep 28th TomEE 8 and TomEE 7.1 final

We call the first one a milestone and if it is not perfect, release it anyway.  
When we notice we aren't messing them up we aim for the final of both.  That 
could happen the release after or at any point in the middle.

What I think this gains us:

 - Takes pressure of the "final" discussion and release process
 - Allows those of us not yet comfortable with final to get comfortable
 - Very likely speeds up our chances of getting a releasable final sooner
 - Ability to get some public momentum and anticipation
 - Releasing is increasingly easier the more you do
 - Provides opportunities to train more people in the release process

It feels like an everyone wins compromise.

What do you think about this approach to getting "unstuck" and would you like 
to help cut releases?

Absolutely there's a high chance we don't pull it off as perfectly as imagined, 
but it feels like we'll do more harm to ourselves by not trying.  First MP 
feature was February, we're now August.  We're definitely missing out on 
opportunities to get our stuff out there.

With this plan we'll either be 8.0 and 7.1 or even as far as 8.0.2 and 7.1.2 by 
end of September.

David Blevins

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