Le ven. 12 oct. 2018 11:10, Thomas Andraschko <andraschko.tho...@gmail.com>
a écrit :

> Hi,
> found a bug, which is related to a slow startup as discussed in the other
> thread.
> See: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMEE-2258
> the lookup: loader.loadClass("org.apache.openejb.bval.BValCdiFilter")
> fails with a ClassNotFound
> could someone check this?
> We could easily change it to Class.forName - but not sure what is the
> correct classloader.

Openejb core one so should be good. I guess it is a transitive issue or a
breaking change in bval we can fix

> We should definitily fix such bugs as the startup with TomEE8, compared to
> TomEE7, is double as slow.
> Best regards,
> Thomas

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