> On Jun 11, 2020, at 5:48 PM, David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Jun 11, 2020, at 1:14 PM, Jonathan Gallimore 
>> <jonathan.gallim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If what you're downloading from the website is
>> called apache-tomee-webprofile-9.0.0-M1-SNAPSHOT, then if you're using
>> Arquillian, in my mind it makes sense that your pom is referencing
>> org.apache.tomee:apache-tomee:9.0.0-M1-SNAPSHOT:webprofile, as opposed to a
>> version 8.0.3-SNAPSHOT with a jakartaee9-webprofile classifier.
> Ok, I see what you mean.  Yes, that would definitely impact the testing 
> negatively.
>> Hope that makes sense. I think a lack of consistency between what we put up
>> for download, and what's in Maven will potentially be confusing. I think we
>> probably could get 9.0.0-M1 artifacts into Maven, but I think there are
>> some constraints in Maven central like you have to have source jars and
>> javadoc, so we can just attach 9.0.0-M1 zip artifacts to the apache-tomee
>> module and upload them. I'm not sure if -SNAPSHOTs have the same
>> constraints or not. I think its worth a couple of hours of looking at.
>> Being able to have 8.0.3 and 9.0.0-M1 artifacts both from master is
>> friendlier than 8.0.3 and 8.0.3-jakartaee9.
> On source jars and javadoc, that's not a Central requirement, just something 
> we do.  In terms of Central I think the only minimum requirement are the 
> hashes and signatures.  I know there's NPM and other crazy stuff floating 
> around up there.
> We should definitely investigate some way to do it automatically, but if all 
> else fails we could do one of these:
>    mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.apache.tomee \
>      -DartifactId=apache-tomee \
>      -Dversion=9.0.0-M1 \
>      -Dclassifier=webprofile \
>      -Dpackaging=zip \
>      -DgeneratePom=false \
>      -Dfile=apache-tomee-webprofile-jakartaee9-8.0.3.zip
> Not fancy, but would get the job done.

Here's another idea.  We could possibly create a new repo that is not much more 
than a module or two with the Eclipse Transformer and TomEE Patch Plugin.  It 
would pull in the TomEE 8.x version and spit out a bytecode modified TomEE 9.

Once I got done with what I hope are 95% of the patches and fixes and was faced 
with the problem of "ok, now how do I write an app for this thing?" it became 
clear we need to go a bit further.  There needs to be something like the 
javaee-api jar, perhaps a version of openejb-core that is modified as so many 
examples use it directly.

We could potentially have a module for each one and just keep filling gaps till 
we get something a user can actually do.

The appeal is we'd have a great deal of flexibility.  The Eclipse Transformer 
Plugin doesn't actually need to care where we get the binaries to patch, they 
could live anywhere.

Also this could solve a build-speed issue as with two plugins we're basically 
bytecode transforming 236MB of jars twice.  It is a bit slow.

I don't know if it's a good idea, just brainstorming.


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