I've done a run in EC2 and here are the results I'm getting with the potential 
TomEE 9.0.0-M1 binaries.

If you didn't read the 100+ emails in the last week, these binaries are created 
by taking TomEE 8.0.3-SNAPSHOT and running through the bytecode transformation 
tools we've been working on (Eclipse Transformer and TomEE Patch Plugin) to 
change all the code that references `javax` to instead reference `jakarta`.  
All this is done in the TomEE master branch.  We're hoping this means we can 
stay focused on TomEE 8 / Jakarta EE 8 while getting Jakarta EE 9 compliance 
for free (no having to maintain two branches for code that only differs by 

Enough of that, now the data:

# Overall

PASSED   23843     91%
FAILED    2133      8%
TOTAL    25976

# Breakdown by Section

section       total    passed   failed  percent
ejb30          2120      1780      340      83%
ejb32           801       675      126      84%
el              147       146        1      99%
jaspic           68         4       64       5%
jaxrs          2417      2229      188      92%
jpa           10071      9932      139      98%
jsf            5419      5252      167      96%
jsonb           236       224       12      94%
jsonp           744       708       36      95%
jsp             711       676       35      95%
jstl            524       453       71      86%
jta             195       141       54      72%
securityapi      86         1       85       1%
servlet        1698      1622       76      95%
websocket       739         0      739       0%

Bear in mind we don't actually know if anyone can pass the Jakarta EE 9 TCK 
yet.  With that in mind, I'd say these results are astronomically good.

Given how behind we've been in the last few years I think it would be pretty 
awesome to hustle to get a release up for vote ASAP so we can have binaries 
people can try in time for the Jakarta EE 9 Milestone release Tuesday morning.

With 72 hours to vote and 24 hours for mirrors to sync, if we rolled binaries 
in the next 12 hours we could just make.

If everyone bears in mind these two things, I think we can make it:

  1. Any release we roll can immediately be fixed in a subsequent
  release if there's a flaw; there's no time for rerolls.  We could do
  another release next week if we wanted.

  2. Any discussion we want to have on how a Jakarta EE 9 effort
  should go is still on the table.  We can change literally anything
  for potential future releases.  Nothing is set in stone.

That said, let's give the world a taste of awesome.


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