I’ve rebased my branches on current work, added 9.0 docs and implemented 
javax/jakarta via an attribute, and pushed the preview.

You can see the javax/jakarta at work by looking at different versions of 

I think a few pages got added to explain 9.0 but I don’t think they are in the 
right place in any of my branches.  Could someone point me to all the new pages?

I asked about this in perhaps february with no response, but I’ll try again 
since the situation is now 25% worse.

With the exception of a few pages getting dropped as time went on, there are 
now 5 identical copies of every page in the docs component.  The original is in 
tomes-site, where I found it.  In order to prevent the sort of unintended drift 
that plagues the current site, the other copies are all made to be identical  
with include stubs, like this:


I’m not sure supplying identical copies of the documentation  that claim to be 
for different versions is entirely desirable.  Presumably we need two copies 
for javax/jakarta, but I’m not sure the one in tomee-site (from CMS) or the 
identical 7.0, 7.1, and 8.0 versions are truly essential.

Next I may look into the examples. IIUC the java source for them is going to 
remain as javax for the foreseeable future.  I think that means that the 
README’s should also remain javax-only. Among other things this should enable 
easy inclusion of source-code snippets and avoid confusion when the doc says 
jakarta and the source says javax.

I suggested earlier that there’s no need for more than one version of the 
examples.  I haven’t changed my mind on this and although someone didn’t seem 
to like the idea, I didn’t see any arguments why having more than one version 
was a good idea.  Since IMO the largest problem with the docs site is that 
there’s too much outdated useless and wrong content, and it’s nearly totally 
disorganized, I think reducing the size will make everything else easier.

BTW if anyone wants to try editing asciidoc I recommend using intellij tools 
with the asciidctor plugin.  It’s fairly Antora-aware and is by far the best 
tool I’ve found.  IDEA CE works fine for this.

David Jencks

> On Aug 7, 2020, at 10:56 PM, David Jencks <david.a.jen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 7, 2020, at 6:16 PM, David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Aug 7, 2020, at 5:02 PM, David Jencks <david.a.jen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It’s possible to customize antora to do some sorts of editing on the fly, 
>>> but I really don’t recommend it.  The first two possibilities are also 
>>> pretty bad ideas near Antora.
>> Do you have a link on the editing capabilities?
> As far as I know no one has ever done this, and as I said I think it’s a 
> really bad idea.  However, Antora is flexible enough so this is possible.
> IMO magic is really bad news in something like a website that no one is 
> really interested in dedicating themselves to.  Any time you have something 
> happening that is the least bit non-standard and non-obvious you dramatically 
> increase the barriers to contribution and maintenance.  Maven is sort of 
> awful, but it’s fairly consistent, and it pretty much brought about a 
> revolution in build systems by a great deal of transparency and consistency.  
> I’m going to argue really strongly against any solution that isn’t entirely 
> visible from the source.  The two solutions I know of are two copies of the 
> docs, with the EE prefix hardcoded, and one copy with the prefix as an 
> attribute, i.e. asciidoctor “variable”.
> Lets look for a solution that is completely visible in the adoc source.  I 
> think an ee prefix attribute will do that, lets try it.
>> Recommended or not, is it possible to do either of the last two and what 
>> would that look like?
> It would look like incomprehensible magic, and no one would be able to figure 
> out how the result was obtained.  At least I wouldn’t be able to if I stepped 
> away for a week.
>>> I think we should take a look at the attribute idea in action before ruling 
>>> it out.  For one thing, it might be possible to check for non-use of the 
>>> attribute by grepping for javax or jakarta, maybe in a pre-commit hook.
>> We can certainly take a look.  Even if the feature doesn't get used for this 
>> problem doesn't mean learning about it is bad -- we may see another valuable 
>> way to use it.
>> In terms of commit hooks, if I had to chose between writing tool/script to 
>> force a developer to do something or writing a tool/script to do it for 
>> them, I'll always favor the latter if that's possible.
> Well, the commit hook might replace either of ‘javax’ or ‘jakarta’ with 
> {ee-prefix}.  I imagine there would need to be a way to use the other prefix 
> in a particular document.  That could be another 2 attributes.
> David Jencks
>> -David

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