Am Montag, den 03.05.2021, 13:30 -0700 schrieb David Blevins:
> Sounds like there are regressions on the 8.0.7.  What I'd recommend
> is we just don't put 8.0.7 on the mirror system or website.  We leave
> the mirrors and website with 8.0.6 until there are better 8.0.x
> binaries available and just put up the 9.x binaries.

+1 for the proposal. 

Better we don't offer 8.0.6 in public, so we do not create a flood of user 
questions / issues related to JAX-RS.

Consequently (imho), we should aim for a fast 8.0.8, which fixes JAX-RS and get 
our new features (security api, junit5, ...) 
as well as some security fixes (tomcat, ...) to the community / users.


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