
Some updates on content in general as there are some changes there too not 
related to the potential new front page.

We had a lot of content still stuck in the old markdown format of the Apache 
CMS.  Every page you might find via Google with a black bar across the top is 
live content left behind when we switched to JBake.  I pulled them over from 
svn about 2 years ago.  David Jencks converted them from markdown to asiidoc 
last year.  I pulled them from his personal branch and pushed them to master.


That's where a lot of "new" content is coming from.  We needed to do this 
years, but never quite got it done completely.  I wanted to update a lot of the 
content, but didn't want to diverge so far from David's work that we could no 
longer use it.  So I pulled that in first and deleted the old markdown files 
before doing any content overhauls.

Richard, answering some of your questions here just so we're all clear that the 
`new-front-page` branch isn't proposing content changes aside form the 

> On May 20, 2021, at 1:00 AM, Zowalla, Richard 
> <> wrote:
> - In addition, we should change all out going links to "https" instead
> of "http" (as the ASF pages have no redirect from "http" to "https" in
> place) + enable the "http" to "https" redirect for the TomEE site - but
> these are very minor tasks imho :)
> - Maybe we should remove Google+ from the Social Media section, if
> anybody agrees. Imho it is a _dead_ social media network.
> - Don't know if "IRC" is still active or if we should mention Slack
> instead on the "Support" page.

Feel free to make these changes.

> - "Support" links to "Commercial", which is a dead page (404)

We had a few incorrect relative links.  I fixed the ones I could find via 


If you see any missed it's safe to update them in `tomee-site-generator` on the 
`master` branch.

FYI on that page specifically, we now have two copies in source:


We always had two copies on the published site for the reasons above, just FYI 
that we still have work to do to get our content completely clean.

> I can give it some love, if no one objects, but I have some workflow
> related questions left.

Very welcome and thank you!

> ## Workflow Questions:
> - Does the repo already
> contain the changes @ staging?

The same content seen in staging is in tomee-site-generator master branch and 
live on

The front page and template updates from staging are only here:


> - How does the staging publish work?
> - After this is clarified, we should update the README to explain the
> new workflow for (new) contributors. (I can do this)

I had to dig around for that, so documenting it is super great.  Thanks for 

Here's the main resource I used:


It's kind of a long read.  Here are the most crucial points and how it could 
map to us specifically:

 - Make a branch in  For 
example: oranges
 - Make an `oranges` branch in
 - In tomee-site-pub's `oranges` branch, update the .asf.yaml file so that it 
has the following:

      profile: oranges
      whoami: oranges

 - Push the .asf.yaml changes to tomee-site-pub oranges branch, wait a minute 
or two
 - Verify exists

From there you can push changes to tomee-site-generator's `oranges` branch, 
build them, sync them into tomee-site-pub's `oranges` branch and they should 
show up in a minute or two.  It's near instantaneous if you change just one 
html file, it takes a minute or so for a change affecting many html pages.

> From the other mailing list
> thread, I see, that we have a Jenkins job [1] for the main site in
> place. Might be useful to have one for staging too?

If we can script it, it's possible :)

Maybe we could make a copy of this job, but have it take a tomee-site-generator 
branch name as a build parameter:


The job could automatically create the same branch in tomee-site-pub, update 
the .asf.yaml and do a build/publish.  It could potentially do that 
automatically upon seeing a commit on a branch.  Alternatively, we could have 
one tomee-site-pub branch for staging everyone shares, which could work but 
would have obvious limitations that only one person could really use it at a 

Thinking out loud.

David Blevins

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